Psychopomp Work

Psychopomp Work


The term Psychopomp originates from the Greek works “pompos” meaning conductor or guide and “psyche” means breath, life, soul or mind.  A psychopomp is a guide, who escorts souls to the afterlife, however they may also serve as guides who help work through the various transitions in life.

As part of my Shamanic practice I have trained with The Foundation for Shamanic Studies in the transition of souls (Psychopomp) and have had some pretty amazing experiences in helping people transition to the spirit world or after life.   I became interested in the death and dying process with the transitioning of my parents and have not looked back since.  My parents were able to teach me more than I thought I would ever know about living and dying and the process of the soul on its journey.

I believe doing psychopomp work is a great honor.  I also believe that the soul never ends; when we leave the physical body the soul continues on its journey.  The dying process is really not a scary thing like I had been taught.  It is a beautiful transition of simply leaving the psychical body behind and a continuation of the soul’s journey in the after life.

As a shamanic practitioner I can provide vital comfort and support in the dying process.  First, I can help those who are dying to reduce a great deal of their fear of the dying process and can help them understand what they may encounter once death occurs.  Throughout this process I can teach all involved to journey (meditate) where they are shown the after life landscape and where helping spirits await them.  Helping spirits are often loved ones who help them in the process.

Likewise, I can help the living with any messages being given during the process of dying or loved ones who have already crossed over to the after life.  Teaching about the death and dying process is

Another important function of psychopomp work is to locate souls who have died but have not crossed over.  This may happen in a sudden or traumatic death and the soul is confused as to what happened or where to go.  After locating the soul I safely escort the soul to the after life.

This may sound like a grim task; however, for me it is a great honor to care for the souls of the dead.  We can all transform our relationship with death, it is possible to become comfortable with the end-of-life transition and celebrate a life well lived as we support each other on their final journey.