
My family has been touched by death yet again.  Within the last year and a half I have lost three parents.  Both of my parents and now my husband’s father.  Each time death has been so different.  One death totally unexpected and two we knew were coming, yet one is never really prepared for the final breath.

With each death I ask, what am I to learn?  I am not afraid of death, in fact I am somewhat excited for their rebirth and the freeing of this body.  It is very hard to watch people suffer, and it really doesn’t matter if it is their body suffering or mental pain, watching suffering takes a toll on the living as well as the dying.

I have witnessed the soul rising from the body several times and there is definitely a visual (the soul moving out of the body) when the soul leaves.  I accompanied my father-in-law on a shamanic journey just a few days prior to his souls passing and he was very surprised about all the options we have.  How death is so negotiable.  There isn’t just a heaven or hell, it’s not black or white.  He asked several times why we are not taught about the different worlds.  I really did not have an answer for him, and his question has been on my mind ever since.

What I have learned about life recently is that we do not live our purpose.  Many keep themselves caged, fear of being our authentic selves. We need to do the following:

  •  To celebrate, celebrate each moment.
  • To live your souls path, allowing your soul to shine.
  • To love, yourself and others like you have never loved before.
  • Live in the present moment, because you are not living this life if you are constantly worried (living in the future) or living in depression (living in the past).
  • To find peace now and death will be peaceful.

The soul has been my main focus for some time now.  I do many soul readings for people and I have found it very intriguing yet sad how many souls are kept captive or hidden, not allowed to shine, to love unconditionally.  As people we need to start living, learning our lessons along the way, enjoying every moment.  Death is a gift, no matter how hard.  Death is a new birth yet we treat it like a plague.  My final words are to celebrate life, death and all the lessons along the way, because life really is a gift.