
I have been at the Chopra Center for the last week partaking in the Chopra Primordial Sound Meditation Teacher Training.  It is an extensive process, which has lasted approximately one year.  The training was very intricate.  I have to admit the last several weeks have been a bit stressful, even for a seasoned meditater.

If you are unfamiliar with my journey, my life has been crazy the last 5 or so years.  There has been many extreme changes and losses and without meditation I have no idea where I would be today.  It’s one thing to handle changes one at a time, but within a year and a half I have lost three parents. I can honestly say that with meditation my life has been an easier transition.  Many people in my life have noticed how well I have handled the past few years and I have to say it is all because of my meditation practice.

Meditation has been highly advertised and there are many scientific studies to prove that meditation is a stress reliever.  There are so many benefits to meditation that I am not able to cover them all in this blog.

I meditate twice a day, a half hour in the morning and a half hour in the evening.  I go to my meditation space without expectations, meaning I go with the intention to relax and to quit my mind. I do not go into meditation expecting some great answers or huge messages to come through.  I go to simply be.  Finding a meditation style that works for you is the single most important thing to learn about meditation!

I also use a mantra because for me the mantra (which is simply a vibration) gives the logical mind something to do while the body can relax and release stress.  My mantra also connects me with the universe and to the earth.  My mantra is a primordial sound mantra, which is the sound the earth was making at the time and place of my birth.  It is specific to me and truly resonates with me.

There are many types of meditation, which I explain in my Meditation and Mindfulness Class.  The point is to find a meditative technique that is easy and comfortable for you.

If you meditate regularly and would like your own primordial sound meditation, please let me know. For more information, please contact me at [email protected] or call at 605-491-4037

Keep an eye on my Events page to see when the next class on Primordial Meditation is offered.