
Do you feel like your stuck in the mud? Are there times in your life when you need someone to help you move forward? We are always changing, and sometimes we get stuck and need a little nudge to get us over the hump. If you are feeling this way, it is time to hire a personal coach.

To get started with coaching all you really need to do is to decide that you want a personal coach. Coaching starts with a conversation about who the client is and what his/her preferences are. In coaching I will ask questions that may reveal things that you have never thought of or revealed to any one before. During the coaching process you are the leader, you decide what you want to work on and how fast you want to work. You discover all your passions and strengths, and what the self-imposed obstacles are.

In my coaching practice I focus on the clients strengths, bringing forth all the good, positives qualities you have and encourage you to grow with them. You will take the VIA strengths survey and we will work within those areas.

Coaching is NOT therapy or counseling. It is about facilitating personal breakthroughs, which allow you to work for different results. You can stop beating your head against the wall and allow yourself to break free from what is not working in your life. Many people seek coaching for greater self-awareness, to change their perception, to get clear about life decisions and goals, and then to act and to be held accountable for their decisions.

Many of my clients are asking the following question when they come to coaching:

• I want to move myself forward mentally, physically or spiritually at Quantum speed, what do I need to do to make this happen?
• How do I find useful breakthrough’s that are meaningful to my life at this moment in time.
• I want to understand my intuition and how to use it effectively in my life to make decisions, knowing the answers are accurate for me.
• I want to live my life mindfully every moment of everyday. What is being mindful and how do I use?
• I am tired of painful life lessons and want to change my responses, and actions to live more at peace, what do I need to change?
• How do I manifest my greatest desires, wants, and needs?
• How do I find my souls purpose in this crazy, busy lifestyle I live?

My specialty is Intuitive coaching where I teach you how to use your own knowledge and wisdom to find the answers you are looking for. I use positive psychology to work with your own positive strengths to find your inner wisdom and to slow down enough to hear the answers your inner wisdom is telling you.

Contact me today to schedule your free consultation to find out if coaching is right for you at [email protected]