
Wow! This is a loaded thought.

I giggle to myself as this was happening in a very big way about 4 years ago for me. It seemed everyone I talked to would keep telling me to just, “take the leap” and trust that the ground will appear. I remember I was thinking to myself how do I trust this much? I used to be a pretty conservative person when it came to trusting that what I wanted and desired would just happen for me. Little did I know or understand that it really does happen when you get your wants, dreams and desires clear in your mind and heart.

I even read books on trusting and taking the leap. One of the best books is a little book called, “Taking the Leap” by Pema Chodron.

I used to believe that trust was something very illusive, that I had trusted so many times and each time I was hurt. There were wounds that had to heal and I had to trust myself enough to heal them, no matter how painful I perceived it to be. That was the old way of thinking, now my belief is that trust is all about me, trusting myself to understand and to allow others and things to be as they are, where they are. Not trying to create something for myself or to expect something from someone else. I no longer need or even want that. I look to myself and especially my higher self for trust, love, knowing when to leap and when to stay on solid ground.

For me, knowing when to take the leap has to do with discipline. Discipline to walk my truth, living my own process and trusting that my higher self really does know what is for my highest good and joy. Discipline to know what it really means to meditate, to trust my intuitive hits when they come and to love who I am no matter what I do, how I am or who I am with. When I look into my eyes I trust that my soul will appear and teach me something new every single time I look. Disciplined enough to discern everything and to ask what that means to me, without judgment of others or myself. I try to view everything as an experience instead of a right way or wrong way.

After all I am the one living this life and I choose love, joy and bliss!

Of course we can choose to stay in our anxiety riddened thinking patterns or we can make a conscious decision to take the leap. Knowing that we have the wisdom and understanding to know that we would not create total chaos in our own lives but rather gently taking leaps of faith creating a blissful life. So go ahead, feel the fear but take the leap. Who knows what good will come of it!