
Ah Peru…….

I have been asking my soul to bring into my consciousness full remembrance of wisdom and Peru certainly delivered!

Peru is one of the most beautiful, natural and magical places on earth.  As my journey began, I remembered so many lifetimes where only pure love existed, a type of love that created a feeling of ecstasy and so much joy.  A richness and depth of genuine care, I felt I had left this earth and traveled in time to another dimension.  A love where only bliss lived, no worries or anxiety.  A time where separation did not exist.  I was excited to remember love so pure, something I believed for many years only existed in fairytales, dreams or for the pure romantics, yet I sensed it could exist and I found it in Peru in my memory banks of wisdom.  This created a comfort in me that I knew was and still is possible in our world today.

As we traveled through the country, every new place, city or stop by the edge of the road was filled with memories.  The beginning of the trip allowed for the rush of pure love, where ancient societies cared for each other in ways beyond my current reality of the human expression of care.  Ways that seemed magical as in that time and space, separation did not exist.  I remembered the intense emotion of love where every cell in my body was filled with passion, again thinking this depth of love only existed in fairy tales or magic; an emotion so romantic, I once believed only existed in some outer galaxy.   Yet, I remembered it existed here on earth, it created a sense of such deep peace within me, a depth I had not experienced before.

As we continued our travel, devastation appeared and swept me from the grasp of love into disbelief, overwhelm and hurt.  As I witnessed through remembrance, the time and place where separation entered like a plague, dividing and creating chaos.  I remembered the first unconscious killing of another human and how I felt so alone, angry and betrayed.  This memory left me with such overwhelm as I could not believe or understand why anyone would choose something other than bliss.  I felt such deep, deep hurt, I was beyond devastated, I was heartbroken!

From my heartbreak, I dove into separation, understanding it’s every action, every thought process, every emotion that it created within the human.  Lifetime after lifetime I came back diving deeper and deeper into how separation creates doubt, worthlessness, hopelessness and destruction.  How, with one tiny vibration of it’s energy, our own love can turn into something vile, and we use our thoughts and emotions not only against others, but against ourselves.  My quest was to know separation at the depths that I knew love, and this lifetime is remembering it all so I can help and serve humanity as we are in the midst of the shift of our consciousness to return to the depths of pure conscious love.

The lessons or experiences of separation has lead me back to this point in time and space of remembering pure love.  This pure conscious love is what Peru has so kindly reminded me to move back to, how to remember the vibration of pure joy, a feeling beyond separation, beyond the devastation of doubt.  A state of pure love so full of emotional bliss, that it creates magic everywhere!

How do we bring this feeling of ecstasy into everyday living was my next quest as we spent many days in the tranquility of the jungle, integrating what we experienced within us.  I wanted to know how to bring this ecstatic love energy to you.  As our fearless leader of our group expressed over and over, we bring this blissful energy of love into everyday living by paying attention, being very present and experiencing how we feel!  Pay attention to how you are, the words you use to describe how you are feeling, the words you use to understand your emotions and thoughts.  Pay attention to the details, as the details create and grow your reality.  Create something magical everyday that reminds you of the love you are, maybe it’s a note you post to your mirror so you see it everyday.  Or maybe it’s a kind gesture you do for someone else.  Or maybe it’s the way you lean into your partner to say, “I love you” as you send the vibration of unconditional love.  Or maybe it’s the way you dance, to free your spirit and allow your inner God or Goddess to come out and play.  Maybe you walk in the rain and remember how you used to splash in the mud puddles as a child.  Just do something that allows the remembering of your love, your essence!

I know I have spoken on this subject before, but Peru has reminded me of how magical pure love is and it is my quest to move this magic within you, to a new level.  We have to bring pure love into our everyday living, we no longer have excuses, as the intent of the shift we are experiencing is creating the new earth and this depth of pure conscious love.    We are the new earth, you and I and it is our responsibility to create this kind of magic that we are!  Empower yourself and the people in your life to love without conditions and intolerance, be very clear about your essence as this is your purpose.  How do we practice pure love?  By practicing tolerance, detachment from materialism and being unconditional love. We are human and we will fall away from our essence, yet this is not a reason to be hard on ourselves.  Simply and gently remind yourself of your love!

Create romance in every relationship, speak your truth with passion, allow your emotions to be seen.  When we are seen, we are no longer lonely!

Angela Blaha