

Is based on the Extraordinary 7 Powers of the Soul, a course in trusting your Soul. It is vital in the shifting of our consciousness that we have a guiding light to follow in our world and your soul is that light. The only way to shift your consciousness is to be the love essence you know you are. In a world of duality it can sometimes be difficult to know how to be the depths of your love.

Your Soul’s Ascension Code can show you how to live in a world of deep, deep love for yourself and the world.

It is your responsibility to align and shift the mind, emotions, thoughts, actions and beliefs with your soul-self.  We are not victims of this game of separation, rather we have just been taught very well how to play the games of the ego.  NOW is the time to change this by shifting our conscousness to align with the soul rather than the ego.

The Ascension Code is based on the following principles:



Clearing of all karmic energy from your Akash, your soul’s record. It is your responsibility to shift your thought patterns, emotions, beliefs and to take back your power from words.


Forgiveness is the acknowledgement that you have given your power to someone or something. Forgiving yourself for your actions, deeds, words and thoughts is a pivotal point in aligning with your soul self.


The soul does not have attachments to any outcomes. It is based in the pure love consciousness which is a balanced state of truth without judgement or conditions.


To become whole.


The intuitive ability to be infinitely aware. Wisdom is the seen and unseen consciousness.


Essence (Love) is the purest form of truth, it is an expression of ALL that is. Your essence is what makes you a soul, a human and creates your reality.


The ability to see yourself equal to Source.

When you embody the above codes you lead a very aligned life, free of pain and suffering. This is a way of being your highest possible self here on Earth. Living your life aligned with your highest self is how we ascend the ego.



In order to expand into your multi-dimensional self you have to feel safe. This is a safe creative space to explore your soul self. To express your awareness of how life changes when you apply the code. Respecting yourself and others is the utmost important way of being so nothing leaves this safe environment.

Angela Blaha is your host and will be inviting others to bring their wisdom to the group as well. This is a free and open space for you to share your wisdom as well. Be supportive of each other and be responsible in sharing your wisdom.



Weekly Channeled Messages

52 weekly channeled video messages for you to start your week


Daily Questions to Journal On

So you stay soulfully connected and are linked with the channeled messages to explore your soulself more deeply

Monthly Live Group Reading via Zoom

Monthly live Soul Code Group Reading with Angela Blaha


Each week I will live stream in this group, these will not be shared with the public as this is a closed paid group. All calls will take place on Tuesdays at 11:00 am central.


Welcome to your soul’s journey!

The program is a 12 month commitment.

This will be autodeducted from your Paypal account as you will see and agree to on the payment page.

Pay In Full

Annual Subscription

(Save $50 with an annual subscription!)

Easy Payment Plan

per month

 (You will be charged $25 per month)

Who is the Soul’s Ascension Code for?

Men & Women who are
aligned with their soul self.

Life Coaching

Understanding our soul

How to use your soul

Connecting to your soul codes

Meditation & Journaling

Energy – knowing yourself as
an energy being

Creating life with Intention
& Passion

DNA Activation & Healing

I can handle stress much better! Things don’t seem to bother me, they just roll off my back. Instead I feel a constant happiness and warmth. I’ve definitely been getting more clear direction. Lots more clarity, enjoyment of life, redefining words (fear, perfection) and lots more self-acceptance, forgiveness, and LOVE!

This new paradigm started with the desire to not be reacting and instead be creating. I felt like I was living in fear and anger and wanted to change that. Once I realized I could control that, I let go. I let myself be ok with things that would have made me angry or bitter. Before bed I would say, “okay, I’m ready to change. I’m ready to be happy” and then I started to shift. I could feel it at first slowly and now more easily because I wouldn’t let my thoughts run out of control. I’ve practiced turning fear into understanding and as I’ve done this I’ve felt lighter, the world is brighter, and love comes so much more easily!

Sarah B.

Everyday had been 100% brighter. I’ve been happier. My head isn’t spinning with old beliefs. I held on to a lot of stuff and NOW truly let go. My mom had called to apologize because she is still in old school beliefs. I nicely told her, this is now me, this is what keeps me happy, and that she doesn’t have to believe what I do. She saw a new me and was happy for the transformation in me. She saw I sat up straighter and was happy. I pretty much come off as a happy person, but she knows her daughter too well. I went to the weekend retreat to better myself, within myself, and I GOT IT. It didn’t go away after a week.. it stuck. It’s awesome to be better. Love it!

Heidi T.

All kinds of things are so different. My whole life is flipped upside down (in the best way!) I think I’ve found my purpose.. Motivational Speaking. And I’ve found a couple of my soul people! (Which I didn’t know that was a thing lol) The best part is being able to help others cope with their issues without having to give them sympathy. Soul Power definitely put me on my path to greatness!!!!

Jenae A.

So much more content to have found my tribe! I’m happier and more confident in my Purpose! I’ve been learning to trust my Higher Self–I hear, feel and know more than I see and being okay with that!

Elise S.

Every day I notice something is different. The need for outcomes to be what I want, when I want is almost nonexistent…almost. The struggle I used to battle within me has been replaced with the certainty that all is as it should be. I’m at Disney World…crazy place. I fill myself throughout the day with deep breaths, expanding my bubble and soaking in the love I feel for myself. This is different…very very different. I used to make myself as small as possible to avoid any difficulties. Today I feel deeper love for myself and all those people in the park around me.

Terese<br /> King

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