
About a year ago my family was forced to clean out the belonging of my Mom and Dad, while doing so I came across my Dad’s metal water witching rods.  I immediately grabbed them and asked if anyone else was interested in them, no one wanted the rusty old things so I took them home.  Not knowing why I would even want such rusted old things, I placed them on a ledge in the sunroom of my house.  I am not a collector of old items, but for some reason these rods called out to me and I just had to have them.  I remember my Dad bringing them out of the shed once in a while to find water and to show off his unbelievable talent in using them, they were very intriguing to me.


Recently, I saw a class on dowsing and immediately signed up.  This is a year of exploring and learning (or rather remembering) for me.  I went to class expecting to learn how to clear a house of energies that do not belong to the owners of the home.  What I learned went way beyond a simple clearing.


Dowsing is really about getting in touch with the energies that not only live all around us but the divine energy that lives within us.  It is so much more than using rods to find energy,  it is about understanding your thoughts and actions and how everything works together to create the lives we want to live.  When we allow stress to come into our lives we fill and surround ourselves with weakening energies.  When we fill and surround ourselves with positive thoughts and actions we fill our lives with healing, joyful energies.


My first dowsing I did for my husband’s parents, they are both very ill and I wanted to make sure that they were living in a positive energy filled area.  I must admit I did find energies that did not belong to them, which I healed, cleared and sent to the light.  What I really found was beautiful angel energy waiting to transition my father-in-law to the ether world.  It was such a beautiful experience.


It was very comforting to me to find such a peaceful and joyous presence in their home.  I have talked with my father-in-law a few times about death and dying and it was almost overwhelming to know that an angel is there to help in the process.


I find it ironic that I would be writing this piece at Christmas, the time of birth and only a few days after the winter solstice.  I’m sure there is a bigger understanding waiting for my family and I, but for now I will just rejoice in the knowing that there is always an angelic energy with us when we transition.


I am so grateful for learning all about dowsing and am ready to share the benefits of energy finding with all of you.  I will be adding it to the many energy healings I do, if you are interested in having your home dowsed please send an e-mail to [email protected]


Blessings to you all!