
Recently I heard this statement as part of a speech on separation, the author of the speech then lead into the fact that when we are honest with ourselves or someone else there is a sense of intimacy. As I listened, the whole theory of being honest and how it creates such an intimate relationship with yourself and with others really intrigued me.

As I began to contemplate and to feel how honest I really am with myself, I began to realize how honesty is a form of liberation. When we hold in our honesty we sort of abuse ourselves and punish who we are. I know that I create these sort of schemes as to cover up my honesty; as if it is too hard to acknowledge. How many times are we honest with ourselves? When we are afraid, do we say, “I am afraid!” or do we make excuses?

If I am afraid of the dark, what is it really that I am afraid of?   Is it the sense of not being able to see the light? Is it the fact that I cannot see past my own body and that there could be something else out there who is just as afraid as I am?

Honesty is a hard concept for my mind to wrap around. It means I have to admit to myself all my weakness, which isn’t that difficult, but it also means I have to admit my strengths. For me, admitting my strengths is much more difficult than admitting my weaknesses. Why? Because I may have to live up to my potential; to shine my light as bright as I possibly can. Am I being honest with how bright I want to shine my light? If I really want to shine my light will I find myself playing on a totally different playground? This will, of course, bring about an unfamiliarity, arising out of crevasse will be some fear, then forcing me to look at my perception and my willingness to arise to brightness. Ugh….this honesty thing is complicated.

If I am totally honest about my strengths what will I discover about myself? It is easy to be in the density of weaknesses, I can totally be lazy and my light shines, but meagerly. I ask myself, “Am I OK with a meager light?” While there is a large part of me who desires this dense, lazy, dimly lit bulb of dishonesty, at the same time I want to be totally honest with “who” I am.

I know that I need to be honest because I expect others to give me their authentic, honest self. The mystery of being honest is the illusion of knowing the truth of it, when all of our truths are individualized. I know we are here to celebrate this life rooted in honesty; it has been an illusion in the past, but now is the time to live it. After all, separation within myself is created in the disillusion of my own weakness.

When I am honest I know I am living in unity consciousness, the one mind, because when I am honest, you are honest. Lets shine as we have never shined before by living our life in all of its honesty as we have never lived before. Simply speaking my truth.