All we really want is to feel joy. Doesn’t this sum up life?
As we enter into 2023, this time of year always brings us to feeling like we need to set some big goals that are filled with opportunities.
The most important goal you need and should set this year is this: Learn to say YES to the real you!
That’s it……..all you need to do. Because I’m pretty sure you have not mastered this yet. I am here to help you achieve this task and here are 3 ways to create a life that is filled with joy, deep love and amazing mind blowing conversations.
- Set Boundaries and hold them. Nothing creates inner chaos more than you not standing by what you say and do. When you blur the boundaries you set for yourself it sends a clear message to other people that they can walk all over you.
- Live your life according to what you desire. When you live according to desire you are living free with the soul because it is the soul that seeks, not the ego. The ego is lazy, and doesn’t want change. The soul is always wanting to grow and expand and it creates this by having desires.
- Trust who you are. This is the most important thing in anyone’s life that they trust themselves. Trust to know your boundaries. Trust to hold yourself responsible. Trust to be wise. Trust to be unattached. Trust to forgive. Trust your ability to unify and harmonize with the Universe. Trust yourself as the creator of your life. Trust yourself to love the people who support and cherish you as the Goddess you are.
These natural abilities will create so much freedom in your energy because you are saying YES to your natural self.
Enjoy your power and Happy New Year!
P.S. – I have a new book coming out this year. I can’t wait to share it with you.
P.S.S – I would love to be your soul mentor this year. Click here to find out more.

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