Are you ready for Radical Cellular Awakening and Restructuring?
This DNA restructuring and cellular healing course align you to your soul’s original imprint. This creates a cellular awakening, regeneration and transformation of mutated or damaged cells to original structure before mitosis.
There is a sense of returning to your Soul self knowing you are all powerful, able to heal yourself and feeling whole.
Radical Cellular Awakening and Restructuring is the healing of cells and DNA to its original form. This modality of healing uses the purest form of love at the level of the nervous system. It is the nervous systems cells that hold trauma and this healing modality heals every cell at the point of skin to the nervous system and beyond the 5D structure.
The types of physical results achieved; Shoulders – see Dana K’s testimony below. Healed ankles- ankles were weak and did not support the person in her life. Knee pain which led to the hips where the nervous system held the ancient memory, the knee was the distraction of the real health issue. Healed lower back pain which was present for over 6 months.
I decided to do something crazy on Sunday and ride my young green horse bareback which led to a separated shoulder which was supposed to take a few weeks to heal…It was really bothering me yesterday and Angela Blaha did a healing on me and within a few hours the bruising vanished and the swelling went down. Literally well under 17 hours later it is 80% better and keeps improving rapidly which is a miracle considering it has been less than 3 days since my injury. Sherry H. and I are very picky about who we allow to work on our energy and Angela Blaha is one of the most powerful and highest vibration healers on the planet. The healing she did on me her own modality and for the first time she is actually offering it in a program format so I highly suggest jumping on it asap as she can work miracles on physical and emotional issues by releasing the cell memory in your DNA while expanding your energy and vibration. Angela Blaha I can’t thank you enough for what you did for me!!
Update 1 day after Angela Blaha did a healing for my separated shoulder that I injured 3 days ago that was supposed to take 2-4 weeks to heal is 99% better!!
You guys have to check out her modality. Sherry H. and I are blessed to work with some of the most talented clients on the planet and Angela Blaha literally worked a miracle! for me yesterday! Thank you again Angela Blaha!!! I’m going back to riding Friday almost 2 weeks ahead of when I thought would be possible.”
After 8 weeks of allowing my body to transform the trauma buried in my nervous system, I feel much better. My joints had been so painful and swollen, and my hips were out of alignment, but now the join pain is almost gone and the hips are aligned. I am seeing a chiropractor for my hips, but even that idea came from practicing this radical modality. While doing the method, I noticed a pattern that kept coming back to my hips, like it was trying to adjust them! The other huge benefit of this healing practice that kept coming back to my hips, like it was trying to adjust them! The other huge benefit of this healing practice for me has been a steady increase in comprehension and clarity. I have been wanting to “see” inside the body and after 8 weeks of practice, I notice it’s become easy to do this as compared to when I first started. THANK YOU ANGELA for your wisdom, guidance, and for the wonderful Radical Cellular Awakening and Restructuring healing modality.“