
I am so excited about the energy that 2015 is bringing in!

This is going to be a very expansive year for Angela and I want you to be the first to know what is happening.

Retreats will be my focus for 2015, and they will offer wisdom along with practical exercises and practice, so you will leave feeling totally in control of the new knowledge and will have a plan to use what you learned as soon you leave the building.  The first of the retreats will be a day long Meditation retreat.  Then we will move into an emotional retreat where the emotional body will experience a healing, you will leave this retreat with a new understanding on how to deal with emotions.  And then we will finish the year with a forgiveness retreat.  As most of you know I am constantly telling people to forgive themselves and reminding them that forgiveness is about the self not about someone else.

I am also teaming up with some special people to teach and mentor standing in your power and to speak your truth workshops.  These workshops will focus on empowering people to be who they came to earth to be with self-esteem, beauty and grace.

Expansion is my focus this year and I have many great trips planned and some new venues to speak at.

Feng Shui is also in the spotlight this year and if you have always been interested in learning Feng Shui or having your home, office or business energetically balanced this will be the year.  I have a few speaking engagements already lined up and will be teaching some basic Feng Shui principals, sure to help the energy of 2015 move and flow with ease.

Angela has also been working on Trance Channeling and will introduce that information a little later in the year.

I am also scheduled for blog talk radio with Alexander Kriech & Tracy Wallace on January 12th.  Be sure to stay tuned for http://blogtalkradio.com/numerologymoonlighting

As you can see there are many things happening in my world.  I have many beautiful memories of 2014, however 2015 is going to be awesome!!!

I am most grateful for being able to share this beautiful life with each of you!  Namaste!

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