by Angela Blaha | Sep 19, 2015 | Communication, Emotions, energy, Featured Events, Intuition, Positive Psychology, Soul, Spiritual, starseed, Wellness
Remembering who I am at the core is much more difficult than I had anticipated. I am not a patient person and so when I ask for something I want it immediately. I know I am not alone in this pursuit of immediate response, as I know you can relate.
I have learned that the remembering of love and healing comes slowly, or at least more slowly than what I want. It seems to come when I least expect it and when it comes it either comes brutally or so very kind and gentle. Either way it comes I usually get the point!
For instance I recently had a remembering when I was in Colorado. I remembered I had brought people to a sacred place in the mountains to heal. I thought I was doing a good thing, but the people I brought there apparently had an alternative motive and destruction was a part of their plan. When I remembered what had happened my emotions became carried away with my perceived actions, creating a sense in me that I had done something wrong. My perception was that Mother Earth, in its alignment with galaxies beyond this one could help heal people and their habitual patterns. What I did not take into consideration was people’s willingness to allow healing to take place. I also learned that fear will override even the best of intentions.
Since this experience in Colorado I have learned that many people really enjoy being or believing that they are victims, that what happens to them is totally out of control. They allow fear to play games with their internal wisdom, what they know deep down within them to be their truth. Creating all kinds of scenarios which are linked to past perceptions, patterns and belief systems creating a false sense of who they are.
As a starseed I know and understand that everything is within our control and that we are responsible for our thoughts, actions, words, etc. We are responsible for our own remembering of who we are at our core. In my book: Show Me How to Remember My Power through Self-love and Forgiveness”, St. Germaine reminds us to love ourselves unconditionally, no matter what we remember.
I do know for certain that I am love!
I do remember how amazing pure love is and I feel it when I channel. Sometimes it is so mesmerizing that I do not want to return from this state of being pure love as I know within my being that that feeling is what a starseed is. Pure love is the core of who we are as well as every other being, but at times I want so desperately to return to that pure love as I know it is where I belong. When I am in the moment of pure love, with the wisdom of this essence, I am home, home is not a place where I go to, rather it is a place of being.
When I remember that I am a being of love the whole dynamic of who I am changes, my response to people change, my perception about events change, the way I walk even changes. I do remember the energy of love and that is really what a starseed in a human body means to me. It does not matter what human functions I can do, rather it is a form of being.
by Angela Blaha | Jun 24, 2015 | Emotions, Featured Events, Intuition
Today, I sense the presence of my Mother.
The memories of her flood in as this is the second time this week I am reminded of her as tears begin to swell in my eyes. I am not one to spend too much time grieving as I am able to see, hear and regularly converse with passed loved one’s. However, I have not been able to communicate with my Mother since the day she died. I have often wondered where she went or what she has been doing, I assumed she went back to the star from which she came.
Today her presence is overwhelming and I am jolted into grief and missing her. I do not feel anxiety, rather sheer loneliness of her human presence. I have wondered often where she has been over the two years since her transition, I take a deep breath and go into my soul space. My soul space is where I am able to connect with all beings. She does not talk, she simply smiles and I can feel her sending me love.
I did not really grieve my mothers death after the funeral as most of my grieving was done before she died. She gave herself the gift of Alzheimer’s and taught me so much about the soul and how it moves in and out of the body with this disease. So when the day came for the funeral it seamed all most easy, as some called it a blessing, as there was no more pain and suffering as we watched our mother deteriorate right before our eyes.
But now two years later I am feeling lonely and miss her kind words, her beautiful smile and her kisses. I am in awe with her presence now and it seems I am in a wave of the grieving process. As that is how grief works, the emotions, the memories, they come in waves and the emotions are mixed within the waves. I ask, “why now” after all this time, I do not hear an answer, rather I feel a simple loving presence. Some how the words, the answers, the justification that I deem necessary all seem so dismal as I bask in the simple loving presence of her essence.
For now I am thankful that she has made her presence known to me and I just soak in the humbling emotions of love and compassion, grace and peace of her.
I encourage you to leave your own messages of your grieving process as shared experiences are sometime so comforting.
by Angela Blaha | May 27, 2015 | Coaching, Emotions, Featured Events
Why do we have guilt?
How many of us have a coach or mentor and don’t tell anyone that you have a coach or mentor?
How many CEO’s of very large companies have Coaches or Mentor to help them be exceptional people?
All of the CEO’s do! For some it is mandatory. Why?
The point is we all need help now and then. When we have guilt about what we do or what we want to do, guilt stops us in our tracks hamper our ability to be exceptional people. It is sometime hard to understand we feel bad over wanting to be successful, no matter what our definition of success is. Rarely are we taught that it is our responsibility as humans to be successful. Changing our old thinking habits about success can be hard and we sometimes make change harder than it needs to be. When we have a coach or mentor, who are not emotionally attached to our wants, needs or desires and may have the ability to see our grand plans for our lives in a different manner. Making our change process much simpler than we had thought.
Feeling guilty about what we want, need or desire should not be something to feel guilt over. And asking for help should not be guilt ridden either. We live in a society with millions of other people, yet we sometimes feel very lonely.
In my book, Show Me How to Remember Your Power through Self-love and Forgiveness we discuss guilt at a soul level. How guilt stops us or holds us back from being who we came to earth to be. When we do not walk our path, we feel guilty. Yet when we do walk our path, we feel guilty. Through self-love we can overcome any of the reasons we feel guilt. It is very simple to release ourselves of guilt if we choose to do so. When we choose to accept ourself as we are there is no guilt, no shame, no blame, no anger, only love.
So for the next 10 minutes, sit back and simply allow yourself to be YOU, the beautiful soul that you are.
Freedom from guilt comes with self-love and forgiveness. We need to stop punishing ourselves and love who we are. Lets leave our guilt at the door, pick a path and create what we want from our heart. Stop beating ourselves up over what we did or didn’t do.
Be happy!
If you need help being happy contact Angela about coaching or mentoring by e-mail: or visit
To purchase her book, Show Me How to Remember your Power through Self-love and Forgiveness please visit

by Angela Blaha | Dec 31, 2014 | energy, Featured Events, Uncategorized
It is important to start off your new year on a positive note!
Today I spent the day cleaning my personal space, my home. I spent a considerable amount of time de-cluttering in order to usher in the New Year. Why? Because it is a new beginning, just as you would usher in a new child into the family, a new year is a sign of new energy of new life. So do it in a grand way, just as you watch the ball drop and firework displays, so should your home or office be treated with such distinction.
Here are some recommendations for ushering in this grand new energy!
1. Today I cleaned – first I started with the clutter. I picked up everything and returned it to its rightful spot in the cupboard, closet or drawer. I cleared off my work desk in preparation for new creative energy to flow in.
2. Then I moved to the bathrooms – cleaned them until the sparkled. I washed the rugs and emptied all the trashcans.
3. Moved into the kitchen and living space – I dusted, vacuumed and scrubbed the floors.
4. Then I went to the bedroom. I de-cluttered the closets; I even threw away a few items that were tattered. Vacuumed, dusted and washed all the clothes and the sheets.
5. Then I moved outside and cleared all the snow from the front sidewalk and deck. My daughters were home for the Christmas holiday and they made ice balls to decorate for the New Year, they add a beautiful touch to the entrance.
6. When I finished with moving the old energy within the house I turned to my personal energy. Taking extra care with my daily massage with coconut oil, being sure to thank every moving part inside and outside the body. Took a little extra time with my hair and picked out some new clothes to wear for the family New Year’s Eve party we are attending tonight.
Wow! What a difference cleaning and de-cluttering makes not just on the energy flow within the house but also on the mind. Cleaning and clearing for an expansive new year, allowing abundance to flow with ease.
Tomorrow, New Years day, I will hang my 2015 calendar, try some new healthy recipes, and fill my cupboard and refrigerator with food. Bringing in the new energy with healthy, good choices helps pave the way for a very abundant year.
Now, I am off to make some of my Mom’s homemade chocolate chip cookies, a special gift for the family New Year’s party we are attending tonight.
Happy New Year to each of you! May 2015 bring you much joy, grace, happiness and most of all Love!
by Angela Blaha | Dec 24, 2014 | Featured Events
I am so excited about the energy that 2015 is bringing in!
This is going to be a very expansive year for Angela and I want you to be the first to know what is happening.
Retreats will be my focus for 2015, and they will offer wisdom along with practical exercises and practice, so you will leave feeling totally in control of the new knowledge and will have a plan to use what you learned as soon you leave the building. The first of the retreats will be a day long Meditation retreat. Then we will move into an emotional retreat where the emotional body will experience a healing, you will leave this retreat with a new understanding on how to deal with emotions. And then we will finish the year with a forgiveness retreat. As most of you know I am constantly telling people to forgive themselves and reminding them that forgiveness is about the self not about someone else.
I am also teaming up with some special people to teach and mentor standing in your power and to speak your truth workshops. These workshops will focus on empowering people to be who they came to earth to be with self-esteem, beauty and grace.
Expansion is my focus this year and I have many great trips planned and some new venues to speak at.
Feng Shui is also in the spotlight this year and if you have always been interested in learning Feng Shui or having your home, office or business energetically balanced this will be the year. I have a few speaking engagements already lined up and will be teaching some basic Feng Shui principals, sure to help the energy of 2015 move and flow with ease.
Angela has also been working on Trance Channeling and will introduce that information a little later in the year.
I am also scheduled for blog talk radio with Alexander Kriech & Tracy Wallace on January 12th. Be sure to stay tuned for
As you can see there are many things happening in my world. I have many beautiful memories of 2014, however 2015 is going to be awesome!!!
I am most grateful for being able to share this beautiful life with each of you! Namaste!
by Angela Blaha | Nov 17, 2014 | Featured Events
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