When was the last time you took a Himalayan Salt bath? Or went for a walk in the woods? Or read a book just for fun? Or consciously rub lotion on the body, not just slapping it on before you rush out the door?
Taking care of the body, mind and soul are so important for us to do not only on a daily basis, but several times a day. When we create an intimate relationship with the body, mind and soul we are creating a completely different level of connection with ourselves. A connection that is rich in love, compassion and care.
When I take the time to pamper myself I can feel the energy rise with in the body. My thinking changes and I feel good about the time I spent on just me. As a woman in my society I find it is not very acceptable to take extra care of myself. Oh, sure it is great if I put night cream on right before I go to bed, but what about taking an afternoon to meet with people who stretch my imagination? Which I totally love.
When I allow myself permission to grow, I notice the grey hair slows down and my eyes seem to be brighter. When was the last time you paid attention to the detail of your eyes, sure you know the color of your eyes, but when was the last time you really looked at your eyeballs and noticed all the different colors in them that make up the main color?
When you look beyond the face, beyond the color of your eyes, down into the depth of the darkness of the eyes center. What do you see? I encourage you to share what you see in the comments section below.