
What is Your New Year Vision?

This is the time of year that I begin to set all those goals, dreaming big and creating wish upon wish.
I have created vision boards, aligned all my calendars so everything is in place, organized my office and cleaned out some closets.
I did not forget a single thing, I even added the perfect colors to the bedrooms, living spaces and added some copper outside to stop a fault line from allowing unwanted energy to my space.
I have set intention after intention…….now what?

Do you set goals for the new year?  I want to hear from you here, how do you do it?  What do you do after you have created your vision board, or calendars?

So often after we have created our wants, needs and desires, we forget about the action pieces that have to follow.  The piece of manifesting that we most often forget, the most important piece of “The Secret” that they forgot to tell you is based in the action pieces.

The Universe will deliver every single thing you wish for, but you have to be willing to take the action step to make it manifest.  Just having amazing ideas is only the beginning, there has to a creation stage, what action will allow the idea to come into the 3-D.  Can you imagine what our world would be like if Einstein kept all of his amazing ideas in his head, without trying time and time again to get the light bulb to work.

We may see Einstein’s multiple attempts as failure,and proclaim not to attempt anything because of your fear of failure.  I encourage you to view the attempts not as failure, rather look at the genius ideas and then take the action to create it.  We do not get anywhere in this world without attempts to expand and grow.

If you need help with your expansion process in the new year, I have many expansive ideas with practical tips to achieve every want, need and desire you can create.  Watch the events tab to find out when these opportunities will be coming.