
Do you ever feel like time is just slipping away?  Today is my birthday and I feel as if I haven’t done enough this year.  Can you relate?

Ugh.  I just hate it when I feel this way!  The feeling of powerlessness, that I’m not doing enough to help others.  I am on the verge of creating or rather partnering with some very powerful women to create something spectacular, however it just seems like things cannot move fast enough.  I get caught up in the energy of creation and then the ego comes in and instead of putting down the creative work bluntly, it’s trick is to create feelings of inadequacy.

I have been reading and studying “A Course in Miracles” for well over a year now.  If you are not familiar with the study, it is Jesus’ non-edited version of how we are to live our lives.  Along with A Course in Miracles I am reading “The Disappearance of the Universe,”  in which Saint Thomas and  Saint Thaddaeus, who appear to Gary Renard.   While Thomas and Thaddaeus reconfirm and even offer suggestions to overcome the ego and other aspects of life, the ego sometimes sneaks in.  Anyway, these two books have changed my life and in the mean time have subsided the ego and it’s threat to control.  With that being said, every now and then it creeps in and tries to sabotage my creativeness.  Yesterday it began to raise its crazy head and feed me with such nonsense.

So I have been on a mission of releasing over the past two days.  What I have noticed is that I have hurried out of bed, not saying my usual prayers and gratitude’s.  Nor have I been journeying or meditating on a regular basis, only doing it when I think I have time.  Up until now the ego has not been visible to me or at least I have not noticed it until yesterday.

My first rule about release is to do my practices each and every day.  No matter what it is vital to stay connected to spirit everyday.  Being connected keeps me strong.  I have found that the ego knows when my strength is weak and it creeps in when I am vulnerable.  My second rule, when the ego has found the week spot, is to meditate to release it.  I journeyed this morning and found it to be a huge relief of the ego and its thoughts.  In fact my power animal allowed me to fly with him and to remind me that everything is possible.  My third rule, is to do something that gets me excited which further releases the ego thought.

Learn from my mistakes, do your practices everyday no matter how busy you think you are.  If you have not yet created a practice to stay connected to spirit, now is a great time to do so.

If you would like more information on “A Course in Miracles” visit their website at


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