
This blog post is a guest blog from Ashton Blaha – thank you Ashton!

I just got back from a weekend getaway in Colorado. A friend and I did some hiking at the Red Rocks amphitheater before attending a concert there. It was the first time I’ve been there – the view was absolutely stunning and the energy there was high! I felt the creative energies rising within me once again; as they usually do when I attend musical gatherings like this. Needless to say, the show was amazing and this venue made it even more special!

Having the spectacular experience that I did and the connections that I felt, not only to nature but the people around me, really put me in a good mood. That is until I get home. I seem to always have the feeling of being left out of what the world is doing when I get home from gatherings of this kind or any traveling for that matter. I feel such a connection to the bigger whole when I am exploring what the world has to offer. While i was reflecting about my recent trip and feeling this urge inside, questions began to arise. Do you think that creativity is the driving force behind life? How do you take the energy that you have from profound experiences and bring them back home to your everyday life? Shouldn’t we be having these experiences In every day life or are they supposed to come in moderation?

I’ve learned in the past year or two that creativity is what really excites me about life. It really puts that fire in my step. Whether that be dancing, drawing, listening to music, painting, writing, acting; any form of creativity that you are comfortable with will speak to your soul. Specifically I’ve been trying to incorporate creativity into my corporate life and I’ve found it to be a struggle.

Often with societal pressures, I’ve always been conscious of what people think. I’ve come out of my comfort zone and started to bring some creativity into my work space. I have color on my walls, hung art that I’ve created and just made it more of a positive place. People come through and comment on the artwork and just from my space they can get a look into the type of person I am. I think deep down inside it also makes their soul smile. I try to make the most of things on a daily basis but still can’t kick that urge of needing more creativity. That leads me to believe things should touch us every day and we must look to the simple things at times as our perception is always adjusting based on the “now” moment. I challenge you to do the same with your every day life. Maybe take a painting class or a cooking class, volunteer to read books to kids or maybe hang that painting up that you’ve been meaning to. I think you will really appreciate yourself even more. For now, that urge has been satisfied, until we meet again.