Please join me for the 5-day meditation challenge that will help you to live a more blissful life!
Challenge runs Monday, July 20 – Friday, July 24th.
The benefits of adding a daily meditation practice to your life are great.
During the 5-day challenge you will receive a daily guided meditation to use at your leisure, access to our private facebook group where we will discuss challenges and triumphs of meditation. We will do some fun challenges and exercises along the way as well.
And as a bonus, one person will win a 30 day intensive “living blissfully” package consisting of:
- 4 weekly 1-on-1 coaching sessions
- An Emotional clearing
- Authentic writing practices
- Review of perceptions
- From your meditation practice – how to capture ideas
- What motivates you to continue your meditation practice?
A Value of $750.00
Join us on this exciting journey to blissful living!