I’m not sure about you, but this Mercury retrograde has been all about learning for me. Actually since my back surgery it has been all about learning and healing.
My process has included many books, many gatherings of like minded people and meditation, journaling and writing.
It has been trying at times and so rewarding at other times.
My recent learning experience has been with a book called, “How to read the Akashic Records,” by Linda Howe. I was introduced to Akashic Records about 4 years ago and have always been interested in how to access the records. Well come to find out it is pretty easy. The Akashic Records are the amazing records of your soul which are kept in safe keeping by nonphysical Light Beings called the Lords of the Records.
I have visited my records several times now and it is amazing how clear the information is. I have noticed that the questions you ask need to be questions of knowledge or wisdom. No yes or no questions, they seem highly irritated with you when you ask simple questions.
If you are interested in the Akashic Records and the process please let me know and I will forward information to you. You can e-mail me at angelablaha005@gmail.com.