I will be giving Soul Reading on February 7 & 8, 2014 at the Butterfly Rainbow Center. The Center is located at 1416 S. Minnesota Ave., Sioux Falls, SD. The cost is $20 for 15 minutes.
I know your asking, “What is a Soul Reading?”
A Soul Reading is very special. I connect directly with your soul and ask it what messages it may have for you at this time. It is truly an extraordinary reading. I cannot compare it to any other type of reading that I currently do. The connection from my soul to your soul is so powerful and beautiful.
It is really hard for me to put into words what happens when I do a Soul Reading, but I will try. When I connect to your soul I visualize a beam of light coming down from above my crown chakra into my heart area (this is where my soul is located), this beam of light then flows to your heart area, then moves upward through your crown chakra and back to my crown chakra. The information that comes through is directly from your soul. I can see the soul and hear it. Sometimes it is crying and other times it is so excited. There is so much emotion that I see, which really helps me to gauge the importance of what the soul is trying to tell you. From there I simply say whatever your soul wants me to say.
I must say that this reading is so deep that the last several I have done, have made huge impacts in people. Mainly because it comes directly from themselves, it is something they have felt or thought about but somehow did not pay attention to. Sometimes people come with a question or agenda, the soul tells me this is not what is important, they really need to focus on something different but related. For instance, I have had several divorce questions lately (I never touch the issue of divorce or death), however each time I told each individual that I do not deal with divorce, their soul came through with such a strong lesson to be learned that I shared the lesson, instead of the decision. This message from your soul changes everything, and makes so much more sense than a “yes” leave or “no” stay answer. It has everything to do with your soul moving forward on it’s journey in this life.
So, if you have never had a Soul reading, please take some time to experience what your soul is saying. Visit me on Friday & Saturday at The Butterfly Rainbow Center in Sioux Falls or call to set up your own private session. Just click on the tab “Contact Angela” for more information on how to contact me.