
In Honor of Valentines Day, I am running a Soul Talking Special. Give yourself or a loved one a personalized gift this Valentines Day. A gift from their own soul.

Have you often wondered what your soul wants you to know?
When was the last time you noticed how beautiful your soul is?

1/2 hour session for $40.00
Service delivered by phone.
A 20 minute soul reading with Angie.
Soul Gazing Exercise (you will need a mirror for the exercise).

During the reading you can ask questions or you can just listen to what your soul really wants you to know right now. During the Soul Gazing exercise you will be reminded of how beautiful your soul is and how important it is to always listen and to check in with your soul to make life the beautiful creation that it really is.

To order your gift please send me an e-mail at angelablaha005@gmail.com

Enter your name and email to receive this 7-day email series to discover the 7 powers of your soul.

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