As I stand at the sink thinking about a very young person in our community that has past away, I wonder what special blessing he had brought to his families life and to the community. I also wonder why young people choose to come into this life and to leave almost instantly.
The mind wanders a bit and I begin to think about myself and if I would have been able to emotionally handle loosing one of my children when they were younger. Automatically past life issues spring up and I hear clairaudient voice say, “you have lost children and loved ones in the past.” As I know this is true I think about if I have brought any of that karma with me to this life time or has it been healed since I did not loose any children at a young age this life time. My understanding of karma is that with every action there is a return of like action. My mother always told me what we sow we reap. I question if somewhere on my souls path had this action been healed?
The mind wanders again and I begin to think about all the karma I have brought to this lifetime to be healed. I am currently dealing with a back issue, which I know is a past life issue, I have suffered with it twice this lifetime so far. I think about the first time I had back surgery, I was 15 years old, I was very young and did not injure myself. There was always a question as to why I would have such back issues when I had no injury to support the issue. Shortly after that I began to experience my clairvoyant abilities. I did not understand the visions, the hearing of voices that I could not visually see, nor could I talk to anyone about them. I grew up on a farm where as a child you were seen not heard. I didn’t know or understand much about clairvoyance so I paid it little attention.
Then, as I stand by the sink something hits me like a brick wall. I have been struggling with further opening all my abilities recently. Both of my parents have passed with in a few months of each other and at the same time I am struggling with back issues. Coincidence? I know there is correlation between age 15 and now and yet I struggle to figure it all out. Is this karma? I ask myself. I begin to think about any thing that needs to heal, asking the soul to please reveal what it is that has been plaguing this issue.
I begin sobbing from some other place, you know when you begin crying for no reason and you cant stop it or control it. A small clairaudient voice says, “Time to begin the new book. Heal what karma you brought with you and move forward with helping others using my clairvoyance, clairaudience, medium ship, clairsentience .…Use them all.”
I feel this over whelming sense of gratitude and I realize how blessed I am in this very moment. Blessed about this lifetime of being able to understand my karma, that my actions can and will heal what I do not want to carry on to another life. Blessed in the fact that I am consciously aware that I have the power to heal myself with love and light from God.