
This is an age old question, “Why is love so hard?” One would think it would be easy to love, just to feel bliss towards yourself or someone else all the time. One would think finding bliss would be so simple.

This is where we seem to get it wrong. Thinking about it! When we think about emotions, love, bliss; it tends to screw it up. Instead of thinking and allowing our perceptions, ego’s, anger’s, jealousies, old memories to take over and control the feeling of love, we should just feel it, even possibly be love and not allow the thinking brain to enter the situation.

However, this is not easy to do, because we are humans and we are thinking beings; we are not benevolent being and feeling and being love is very hard to do. Lets just play with this thought. Lets visualize what LOVE would be if we didn’t have to think. As I quiet my mind and body and try to envision what a human being would be without thoughts, old memories with criticized emotions attached to them.

My vision is very peaceful, so blissful, it’s like a lazy summer day where I lay on the beach and watch the birds flying overhead. The waves from the river flop lazily against the sand and the breeze is perfectly cooling my body as I lay on the warm ground with the sun warming my body at the same time. Just being one with the universe, equal to everything and everyone. My family is around me and we all simply enjoy the simplicity of just being. We shine brightly with Love and we have no worries, no cares, no distain, just Love. There is no competition or harsh words; instead just unconditional love for everyone and everything. No matter what we do together there is no judgment, everything is acceptable. Of course there is no anger, or violence because a being of love does not provoke such emotions. Those lower vibration emotions simply do not exist because beings of love harbor no such emotions.

The tears enter as I long for such a world!   I know in my heart that this place of being can exist here on earth and I am one who continually believes in miracles. If each of us would begin to move from this 3D world to a state of fifth dimensional consciousness we could make it happen so quickly. Fifth dimensional being is simply living from your heart, so be a co-creator with me. Lets bring heaven to earth and live a loving, compassionate, peaceful, and graceful life. We are human after all and we have the gift of free will to choose something different from what we are experiencing now. Please join me in being vulnerable and having the courage to love as if we are living in a fifth dimensional world.