New On-line Intuition Course

New On-line Intuition Course


Intuition is the wisdom formed by feeling and instinct – a gift of knowing without reasoning…

Angela Ahrendts

intuition-development-courseMost of us spend the majority of our lives denying and ignoring our innate intuitive abilities.

We all are born with varying levels of intuitive abilities.  Unfortunately, many of us are taught from an early age to deny and ignore the small inner voice our intuition uses to communicate truth and wisdom with us.

The good news is that you can nurture and develop your innate intuitive capabilities with attention, guidance and practice.

If you’re ready to begin saying “yes” to your intuition, the Living Your Intuition course by Angela Blaha will help you to begin nurturing your innate intuitive abilities.


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Or read more about the Living Your Intuition course by Angela Blaha.

New On-line Intuition Course

Show me Who I can be!


As a brilliant ray of light and Love, there is no limit to the abundance I wish for you. Only you put limits on who you can truly be.

When you ask this, I send you more energy and love to bust any blocks that your mind holds against you. There are no limits!

I know you are thinking in terms of the 3D world but I encourage you, no I challenge you to be beyond the 3D. Maybe you choose to be an organism from another galaxy. Maybe you choose to be dust from a star. Or maybe, just maybe you choose to be a ray of colored Love that lights the path for a fellow soul.

You see when you think in 3D you remain in 3D. I want you to expand to the far reaches of infinite possibilities, where everything is possible. Where everything is expected to be a miracle within a miracle. Where there are no limits to your brilliance.

You see you can be anything your soul desires. The possibilities are limitless. The mind is only a small piece of who you really can be. Look within to find the more expansive you.

When you look within what do you see? What do you hear and most importantly what do you feel? When you feel who you can be, you stand in your own power to be anything. Create something new, be something no one has seen before. Then and only then do you know who you can be, but when you look within I will show you.

Come, look within and be expansive! Be the unlimited grace of who you are meant to be. Be Love that transcends the limit of the mind.

Create everything and create nothing.

The options are yours to be!


New On-line Intuition Course

Let me be Honest!


Recently I heard this statement as part of a speech on separation, the author of the speech then lead into the fact that when we are honest with ourselves or someone else there is a sense of intimacy. As I listened, the whole theory of being honest and how it creates such an intimate relationship with yourself and with others really intrigued me.

As I began to contemplate and to feel how honest I really am with myself, I began to realize how honesty is a form of liberation. When we hold in our honesty we sort of abuse ourselves and punish who we are. I know that I create these sort of schemes as to cover up my honesty; as if it is too hard to acknowledge. How many times are we honest with ourselves? When we are afraid, do we say, “I am afraid!” or do we make excuses?

If I am afraid of the dark, what is it really that I am afraid of?   Is it the sense of not being able to see the light? Is it the fact that I cannot see past my own body and that there could be something else out there who is just as afraid as I am?

Honesty is a hard concept for my mind to wrap around. It means I have to admit to myself all my weakness, which isn’t that difficult, but it also means I have to admit my strengths. For me, admitting my strengths is much more difficult than admitting my weaknesses. Why? Because I may have to live up to my potential; to shine my light as bright as I possibly can. Am I being honest with how bright I want to shine my light? If I really want to shine my light will I find myself playing on a totally different playground? This will, of course, bring about an unfamiliarity, arising out of crevasse will be some fear, then forcing me to look at my perception and my willingness to arise to brightness. Ugh….this honesty thing is complicated.

If I am totally honest about my strengths what will I discover about myself? It is easy to be in the density of weaknesses, I can totally be lazy and my light shines, but meagerly. I ask myself, “Am I OK with a meager light?” While there is a large part of me who desires this dense, lazy, dimly lit bulb of dishonesty, at the same time I want to be totally honest with “who” I am.

I know that I need to be honest because I expect others to give me their authentic, honest self. The mystery of being honest is the illusion of knowing the truth of it, when all of our truths are individualized. I know we are here to celebrate this life rooted in honesty; it has been an illusion in the past, but now is the time to live it. After all, separation within myself is created in the disillusion of my own weakness.

When I am honest I know I am living in unity consciousness, the one mind, because when I am honest, you are honest. Lets shine as we have never shined before by living our life in all of its honesty as we have never lived before. Simply speaking my truth.

New On-line Intuition Course



When I talk about life lessons they seems so burdensome and people look at me weird. Why do we place such anticipation and worth on the fact that this world, earth, is a classroom and we get to learn things about our interactions, this place, and ourselves all the time. Why do some of us fret, worry and just plain freak out when we are amidst a life lesson, myself included. Every action, every thought, every word is a lesson and a huge opportunity to learn and teach.

I see life lessons as an opportunity to expand. By expansion I mean an expansion of who I am. Life lessons are gifts, opportunities to grow physically, psychically, spiritually and emotionally. Even in the roughest portion of a lesson, I still see it as such an expansion of the original me that I almost welcome the hard part.

I know some life lessons can be very painful. Some carry excruciating physical and/or emotional pain. When I get past the pain there is an understanding, a sense of accomplishment, a new sense of knowing that comes with the lesson that no one can ever take from me.

There are many types of life lessons and no one lesson is the same for any two people. We are all individuals and we all have the gift of free will to choose, so every lesson will look differently. Lessons are individualized!

There are some tools that can help us work through the lesson but just know and acknowledge that the outcome of using these tools may look very different for you than it does for me.

Communication is a very common problem I see in my practice. Communication is very expansive because we each communicate in such unique ways. For me, when I am aware of a communication lesson it is an opportunity for me to expand not only in my voice or words, but also in my body language and in my thinking patterns. Communication is a tool that can provoke all kinds of emotions and ultimately in how I love another person. If I am wiling to expand my communication to match theirs, it does not mean that I have to change my vocabulary or create some new way of being. It does mean that I am willing to meet them where they are, expanding them and myself.

For example, my husband’s communication style is very logical, practical and he does not talk very much. Our communication style can be very difficult for me. Maybe a more useful style of communication would be more touch oriented, or just being present by being in the same room, or maybe we don’t need to talk. Any of these styles can be overwhelming for someone who needs to speak. We are totally responsible for our actions, thoughts and words. So if I find myself in a conversation and all I am experiencing is frustration, it is up to me to change my communication.

So I guess what I’m trying to say is this, don’t be afraid to communicate, if yelling isn’t working, try something else. If communication is becoming a barrier in your relationships, then try something new. Change begins with me, not someone else!

New On-line Intuition Course

Will you walk with me


This is an age old question, “Why is love so hard?” One would think it would be easy to love, just to feel bliss towards yourself or someone else all the time. One would think finding bliss would be so simple.

This is where we seem to get it wrong. Thinking about it! When we think about emotions, love, bliss; it tends to screw it up. Instead of thinking and allowing our perceptions, ego’s, anger’s, jealousies, old memories to take over and control the feeling of love, we should just feel it, even possibly be love and not allow the thinking brain to enter the situation.

However, this is not easy to do, because we are humans and we are thinking beings; we are not benevolent being and feeling and being love is very hard to do. Lets just play with this thought. Lets visualize what LOVE would be if we didn’t have to think. As I quiet my mind and body and try to envision what a human being would be without thoughts, old memories with criticized emotions attached to them.

My vision is very peaceful, so blissful, it’s like a lazy summer day where I lay on the beach and watch the birds flying overhead. The waves from the river flop lazily against the sand and the breeze is perfectly cooling my body as I lay on the warm ground with the sun warming my body at the same time. Just being one with the universe, equal to everything and everyone. My family is around me and we all simply enjoy the simplicity of just being. We shine brightly with Love and we have no worries, no cares, no distain, just Love. There is no competition or harsh words; instead just unconditional love for everyone and everything. No matter what we do together there is no judgment, everything is acceptable. Of course there is no anger, or violence because a being of love does not provoke such emotions. Those lower vibration emotions simply do not exist because beings of love harbor no such emotions.

The tears enter as I long for such a world!   I know in my heart that this place of being can exist here on earth and I am one who continually believes in miracles. If each of us would begin to move from this 3D world to a state of fifth dimensional consciousness we could make it happen so quickly. Fifth dimensional being is simply living from your heart, so be a co-creator with me. Lets bring heaven to earth and live a loving, compassionate, peaceful, and graceful life. We are human after all and we have the gift of free will to choose something different from what we are experiencing now. Please join me in being vulnerable and having the courage to love as if we are living in a fifth dimensional world.