What is the frequency of seperation?
The last few days have been extra pleasant, as the energy of the universe has blanketed us with an energetic addition to the layer of the grid systems.
What I mean by that is this: during the last few days I have witnessed the layers of dimension that have come into my awareness and the intention of each of the frequencies or vibrations they hold. I also witness what my intent is with the frequencies or vibrations and how I have aligned with them.
What the frequency of separation or third dimensional energy has taught me is that we come to earth knowing that we will forget. We come knowing as a soul that everything we have experienced prior to choosing to come to earth will be erased from our memory bank so that we may again choose what we want to experience. We come to earth knowing that we will experience our belief patterns, our thought patterns, we will be programmed and we will feel our emotions or lack of all of them. This is the intent of the energy, frequency or vibration of third dimensional energy. The intent of third dimensional frequency is not bad or wrong, rather it is an experience to explore and to experience.
Third dimensional frequency or vibration is an experience in understanding of ourselves. It teaches us how we choose to experience our thoughts, emotions, feelings, actions. How we understand the body, our mental processes, our emotions and how to integrate the soul into this frequency.
I also learned that if I choose to leave the third dimensional vibration of the body, mind and soul, then I need to expand into something else. Maybe I choose fifth dimensional frequency or sixth or beyond. The choices are infinite are always mine. Since my quest of full remembrance has been a process I am choosing to explore this frequency. My first step in this process is awareness.
I know at some intrinsic level of wisdom that remembering is available and I do not waver in this theory. How to match my vibration to this knowing is what I am expanding into and it seems to come in layers. It seems I need to experience many frequencies along the way. It is a fun adventure as I have explored many different vibrations within the last week. I have not made logical sense of all of them yet, but I am sure that will come with time.
In the mean while, enjoy the energy!
If you are yearning to explore your own vibration more, I have a series of modules where we explore our chakra system, how to clear, heal and expand into our energy system. We are on our second week, if you cannot attend the weekly webinars, everything is recorded and sent to your inbox. As an extra bonus you will receive a free hour reading with me. Click here for more information!