
I assumed we had evolved beyond the ludicrous belief that we cannot connect with source, cannot feel, hear or see beyond the veil and into the perceived “woo woo” of spirit.  But, I was wrong as my latest radio interview still held the energy of disbelief in the self and the power of the soul. 

I teach about emotions, thought, beliefs and how they relate to intuition.  How our thought forms and belief patterns attach to the fear of our emotions and hold us from mental, emotional and spiritual growth.  In fact, I teach people to use Intuition as their thought form rather than the mind/ego because the mind is based in the past while intuition is based in present moment. 

During my last radio interview I was explaining to a man how his belief would not allow him to connect to a past loved one because he would not be able to hear the message. He was skeptical and said he did not believe I could talk to someone he lost a long time ago.  Everything I said he denied.  He left the conversation still in disbelief, as my words were not powerful enough to break down the belief system.  Yet it is not the connection to his deceased loved ones that were missing, rather it is his belief, which is attached to emotions of fear, guilt, forgiveness, and even love that holds back the connection. 

Listen to the interview, YES, Meditation is a Blue-Collar Thing, too!, here.

It is not my or your ability to connect to past loved ones, aliens, ghosts, spirit or even God that is “woo woo”.  Rather, it is our unspoken emotions, beliefs and mindless thoughts. 


We are programmed to ignore, stuff and hold on tight to our rigid patterns, making them unseen and unspoken.  This action creates unfounded and ludicrous beliefs, the direct definition of “woo”.

I believe in infinite possibilities, which allows me to expand the mind.  I use intuition as my thought form, constantly trusting my connection with my own soul.  In trusting and knowing myself from the inside out it is this evidence of wisdom, of knowing any truth which stops me from blindly following others with such “woo woo” belief systems.

I will trust my intuition, my connection to all that is, before I would trust any other unfounded fearfully based thought form.  I trust my soul and all of our wisdom.  I will not blindly follow any other belief just because they have been a cultural, familial or religious belief for eons.

Here are 3 question I ask myself to better know and understand my truth.

  1. Is this really my belief?  Or does it belong to society? To my family? To religion?
  2. What emotions are attached to this belief and are they really my emotions?  Do I really feel this way?
  3. What is my truth?  If this isn’t my belief, what is?

And so it is.

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