
Why do we have guilt?

How many of us have a coach or mentor and don’t tell anyone that you have a coach or mentor?

How many CEO’s of very large companies have Coaches or Mentor to help them be exceptional people?

All of the CEO’s do! For some it is mandatory. Why?

The point is we all need help now and then. When we have guilt about what we do or what we want to do, guilt stops us in our tracks hamper our ability to be exceptional people. It is sometime hard to understand we feel bad over wanting to be successful, no matter what our definition of success is. Rarely are we taught that it is our responsibility as humans to be successful. Changing our old thinking habits about success can be hard and we sometimes make change harder than it needs to be. When we have a coach or mentor, who are not emotionally attached to our wants, needs or desires and may have the ability to see our grand plans for our lives in a different manner. Making our change process much simpler than we had thought.

Feeling guilty about what we want, need or desire should not be something to feel guilt over. And asking for help should not be guilt ridden either. We live in a society with millions of other people, yet we sometimes feel very lonely.

In my book, Show Me How to Remember Your Power through Self-love and Forgiveness we discuss guilt at a soul level. How guilt stops us or holds us back from being who we came to earth to be. When we do not walk our path, we feel guilty. Yet when we do walk our path, we feel guilty. Through self-love we can overcome any of the reasons we feel guilt. It is very simple to release ourselves of guilt if we choose to do so. When we choose to accept ourself as we are there is no guilt, no shame, no blame, no anger, only love.

So for the next 10 minutes, sit back and simply allow yourself to be YOU, the beautiful soul that you are.

Freedom from guilt comes with self-love and forgiveness. We need to stop punishing ourselves and love who we are. Lets leave our guilt at the door, pick a path and create what we want from our heart. Stop beating ourselves up over what we did or didn’t do.

Be happy!

If you need help being happy contact Angela about coaching or mentoring by e-mail: angelablaha005@gmail.com or visit https://angelablaha.com/life-wellness-coaching
To purchase her book, Show Me How to Remember your Power through Self-love and Forgiveness please visit https://www.createspace.com/5398326

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