The feeling you get when someone transforms right before your eyes!
This week I witnessed a transformation of a soul friend. When I first met Terrie, she seemed shy yet very inquisitive, she wanted to know everything. I admired her will and perseverance to become a sponge of wisdom, there was something special about her and at my first glance of her energy I knew I would witness something amazing in her one day.
She sparkled from head to toe and every time I saw her I could see slight changes of opening in her heart and understanding of wisdom. She fell in love with Angels and still accesses them in her practice today. She followed nearly every word I spoke with her about, she was devoted to become the person she knew she was inside. Like a thousand petal lotus, one petal at a time she began to blossom.
In January she attended Reiki I & II, for Terrie it seemed this was the break through she was seeking. It wasn’t just the Reiki training that gave her confidence, it seemed to open up a new way of being, seeing, knowing for her. When we spoke this last week I could hear the confidence in her voice. She only asked clarifying questions as she already stood in her power of knowing. She was amazing and I repeated the confirmations of how her energy was strong and so confident, she had taken back her power she had given up.
She chose words that clarified her understanding, this was the thousand petal lotus I knew I would witness one day. I am so thrilled for her and how she has done the work to become who she wants to be, creating every step as she walks her path.
Her practice consists of meditation, invoking Archangels, using Reiki and grounding in her daily life. She even prides herself in being a tree hugger, especially if the energies seem overwhelming. The trees now talk to her and she hears their vibration as they sway in the wind. An example of another step in her evolution of consciousness.
Terrie started with simply asking and trusting everything. Allowing the busy mind to take a step back and to allow the soul to flourish. As her innate abilities continue to come alive she is forever grateful for following through with her wants, needs and desires. She is an amazing being of life, serving and healing every moment of everyday.
I want to share Terrie’s story with you as an indication of triumph. Proof that everyone has infinite possibilities and when you allow the soul to lead, life takes form and creation is discovered. Thank you Terrie for sharing your world! Namaste!
If you would like to share your transformation story, please post them in the comments box below.