Feeling the Force!
Last week I talked about the energy of 2016 and how powerful it going to be. Well, it is already here.
Can you feel it? It is strong, pushing energy for me, determined to make things happen.
This week alone, all types of things are manifesting with such ease, opportunities I did not even think would be possible. So, this news letter is about using the energy in your favor.
When something comes into your awareness, stop for a moment and allow it to show you what the possibilities are. About one week ago, I received an e-mail asking if I would be a host on a popular radio show. I did not go out looking for this opportunity, rather they found me through this blog. I explored the idea and I am now a Radio Show host on VoiceAmerica and my show begins on March 8, 2016.
Do not be afraid to follow up on such opportunities when they present themselves. Their is synchronicity in why these things show up and it is your responsibility to explore them. Always use your innate power to clearly understand the benefits and the non-benefits, and make choices according to what is in your higher good for who you are.
This energy is making it simple to manifest everything you have thought about, so watch your thoughts. They are powerful!
Taking action with the power of the energy is vital and very simple. 2016 is a very powerful, energy filled year and taking action seems very simple. My simplest of thoughts, emotions and words come to fruition with very little contemplation of the end result. Rather, the end result already seems to be built into the awareness, so little, if any process of how to make it all come together is needed. Some may find this very upsetting, especially if you are used to planning every single detail out, it seems that the details are already built into the initial thought, emotion or word.
It seems very easy to just flow with what life presents. Discarding the old thoughts, old emotions, old belief systems seems quite easy to do. So if this is on your wish list, pay attention to how easy it is to clear up some energy that has been hanging on for awhile. Do not get stuck in the process. We tend to over think most things in life, this is part of the new human being, being able to flow with what we want, need and desire.
Yes, the new process may take a little getting used to, but I for one am totally enjoying it!