What is a star seed?

What is a star seed?


As a woman growing up in the Midwest, I was taught that it was important to wear the right clothes, to eat the right foods, to be kind, to go to church and wear your best dress, not to speak up for what I believed or what I thought.

All of these rules are so out of alignment with who I really am. Yet, I went along with the rules so not to be tooooo far out of the norm that I was totally isolated from society which basically told me what to do, how to speak and what to wear. A total stripping down or programming of who I came to this beautiful earth to be.

What a bunch of crap!

Through out my entire life there has been this calling to be something different from the rules. The love I hold within is sometimes so overwhelming that if I were to unleash it it just may override the entire world within which we live and then I would be to blame for the destruction of the world, as we know it. I laugh to myself at how ridiculous this may sound, but the need to be myself is sometimes that overwhelming. My need to be who I came to earth to be is not what society expects me to be. And the courage it takes to be original is at times extremely overwhelming making it easy to hide from the backlash.

I am not a bra burning women’s right enthusiast; rather I am an enthusiasm of being original. What that really means is still yet to come, because every minute of everyday we create something new, something original.

I am at the point in my life where I can say the hell with society, the hell with the rules. I just want to be free!

The story should end here, but what I know is that my previous programming of being a “good girl” still runs and it is taking some time to change the programming, a sort of struggle that only I control and can change with every moment of time.

So why do I choose to remain within the parameters of the rules? I know I am so much more than what the rules teach; I know I am totally outside the parameters of the rules. I do consider myself an outlier and always have. I knew I was different from most people around me, even my own Mother would tell me it was okay to different. She even saw that I really did not fit within the confines of what and who I was expected to be.

Who am I? I ask myself this question everyday in my meditation and everyday I receive a different answer. And I give thanks that the answer is never the same because then I would be trying to fit into the rules of who I am supposed to be.

When I heard the word starseed, I knew I had finally found the meaning of who I am. What does the word really mean? All I really know about the word is this; with every syllable of the word is a vibration that resounds with every ounce of my being. A definition is a continuous work in progress as I discover new information every day about my starseed heritage.

What is a star seed?

My Personal Story ~ Why Meditate


I do not tell my personal story very often, usually only during a Mediation trainings, like this. It is a difficult story to tell, it may help to create a vision of why meditation is so very important in everyone’s life.

I have called myself a crisis meditator for most of my adult life. Meditating whenever life got a little crazy, like having three natural births without drugs of any kind, having two jobs, going to school full time and raising a family all at the same time. All great choices and I would not change a single thing about my life, as I have had many valuable lessons along the way.

About 15 years ago I was searching the internet for different types of meditation, something that would take me out of this world, as I wanted to experience something galactic, extraordinary or anything exceptional.  I found an article on Mantra’s and decided to give “So Hum” a try and much to my amazement it worked. That was the key piece I was searching for! Well, at least it brought me to realize that mediation was an everyday practice and the ecstatic feeling of peace and calm I experienced during meditation was my proof.  A few years later I found the Chopra center, received my very own personal mantra and later became a certified instructor in Primordial Sound Meditation.

About few years ago, I went through a major life change. My aging parents were deteriorating at what seemed like a rapid pace. We tried to keep them in their home as long as possible, but with my Mother being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s it became increasingly impossible. So, in September of 2010 my parents made the decision to move into a nursing home. In January, 2011 my Mother-in-law was diagnosed with cancer, had surgery and began chemo treatments. Three months later my father-in-law was diagnosed with cancer and had only a few months to live.

In September of 2011, my father dies. Two days after my fathers funeral my Mother became ill with what the Dr. believed was a stroke, they asked that my family gather to spend the next few days with her as they did not expect her to live. I move her back to the nursing home to die, she struggles for months to stay alive and in January, 2012 she makes her trip home as her soul left her body.

In the meantime, my father and mother-in-law are very busy with treatments, Dr. appointments, living part time in another town, etc. My mother-in-law also now has Alzheimer’s and my family begins the ups and downs with this disease. In between all the illness, I retire from the school systems and purchase my mother-in-laws business as she no longer is able to handle the stress of a retail store. In March of 2013, my father-in-law recedes to the cancer and his soul journeys home.

At the family Christmas get together, my sister-in-law asks me how I can handle so much. What is it that you do that keeps you from going crazy? I tell her I meditate twice a day and that I give continuous thanks for this journey and my experiences.   Without my meditation practice I am not sure where I would be today and that I am so happy I chose to learn to meditate. I am very passionate about the path I am on and I know first hand how mediation has helped me in my life.

So for all these reasons I share this passion with you! Please join me on my Meditation Challenge. Watch for further e-mails and join my Facebook group by clicking this link Blissful Living.

Click here to learn more!

What is a star seed?

Show Me How to Remember your Power


My book is finally published and ready to purchase.  Wow!  What an experience it has been to channel, write and publish my first book.  My intent for this book is to help you heal and to find an abundance of self-love.

Now that it is complete I have already made plan for a second and third book.  I have chosen to self publish, if you would like to purchase a copy please visit https://www.createspace.com/5398326 or you can purchase it on Amazon or your favorite place.  The book is available in paperback and e-book formats.

Thank you so much for your support, I am eternally grateful.  Enjoy!



What is a star seed?

Childhood Memories


November 9, 2013 by Angela

I have often wondered why I cannot remember much of my childhood and it has come up recently again, by spirit. I grew up in a pretty dysfunctional home and I have often wondered why I do not remember or carry the emotional scares that many of my family. I have a psychology background and usually just associate it to my understanding of how emotions relate and are created by ones perspective. I truly believe that if you change your perspective you not only change your emotions, but also your life.

Recently it has come to my attention again that I do not have many memories before age 12-14. In the past, I usually acknowledged the thought of not knowing and then simply set the thought free, this time seemed to be different. There was an importance about it, and spirit would not allow me to set it free.

I went to a friend of mine who is practicing to become an EFT practitioner and asked if we could dig deeper into this issue. And we did!

As I begin tapping, no memories come through, then there are a few glimpses, mostly glimpse of memories from looking at picture that have been taken, but nothing significant. Then I ask, “where was I”? If I wasn’t there (in my childhood) then where was I? Much to my amazement the answer was, you weren’t really there. What? What does that mean? To make a long story short what we discovered was that I was being protected by spirits and angels and did not have the reality of what was going on most of the time. Spirit had set everything up so beautifully for me.

You see my life purpose is to be a cycle breaker, I knew that all my life. I was born into my family to break the cycle of addiction. And spirit had protected me so that I could become the annoying pain that I was in my teens and early 20’s so that I could do just that, be a cycle breaker. I was sort of a rebel with people back then, not being very polite when it came to convincing people to stop their crazy addictive lives, but for the most part it worked. Never really worked for my father, but there are several family members who are sober to this day.

What I took away from this knowledge and lesson is that we all have this divine right to be loved and protected from spirit. That was probably the most difficult emotion to acknowledge was this sense of overwhelming love and protection.   My thinking led me to, “who am I to be privileged to this kind of protection?” I am not worthy of this, only really spiritual people are worthy of being protected. When you grow up in a dysfunctional home praise and unconditional love is not high on the priority list. I grew up with a sense of not being worthy, of not having open lines of communication and being loved was often questionable. All I really know right now is that we all need to step into our divine right and that we are all worthy of spirits divine love.

What is a star seed?

Feng Shui for 2015


It is important to start off your new year on a positive note!

Today I spent the day cleaning my personal space, my home. I spent a considerable amount of time de-cluttering in order to usher in the New Year. Why? Because it is a new beginning, just as you would usher in a new child into the family, a new year is a sign of new energy of new life.  So do it in a grand way, just as you watch the ball drop and firework displays, so should your home or office be treated with such distinction.

Here are some recommendations for ushering in this grand new energy!

1.  Today I cleaned – first I started with the clutter. I picked up everything and returned it to its rightful spot in the cupboard, closet or drawer. I cleared off my work desk in preparation for new creative energy to flow in.

2.  Then I moved to the bathrooms – cleaned them until the sparkled. I washed the rugs and emptied all the trashcans.

3.  Moved into the kitchen and living space – I dusted, vacuumed and scrubbed the floors.

4.  Then I went to the bedroom. I de-cluttered the closets; I even threw away a few items that were tattered. Vacuumed, dusted and washed all the clothes and the sheets.

5.  Then I moved outside and cleared all the snow from the front sidewalk and deck. My daughters were home for the Christmas holiday and they made ice balls to decorate for the New Year, they add a beautiful touch to the entrance.IMG_1462

6.  When I finished with moving the old energy within the house I turned to my personal energy. Taking extra care with my daily massage with coconut oil, being sure to thank every moving part inside and outside the body. Took a little extra time with my hair and picked out some new clothes to wear for the family New Year’s Eve party we are attending tonight.

Wow! What a difference cleaning and de-cluttering makes not just on the energy flow within the house but also on the mind. Cleaning and clearing for an expansive new year, allowing abundance to flow with ease.

Tomorrow, New Years day, I will hang my 2015 calendar, try some new healthy recipes, and fill my cupboard and refrigerator with food. Bringing in the new energy with healthy, good choices helps pave the way for a very abundant year.

Now, I am off to make some of my Mom’s homemade chocolate chip cookies, a special gift for the family New Year’s party we are attending tonight.

Happy New Year to each of you! May 2015 bring you much joy, grace, happiness and most of all Love!

What is a star seed?

5 elements of Feng Shui


Feng Shui is a Chinese art or science to improve the energy or quality of life by making specific changes to a room, a house, and your landscape or individual rooms. When we change the flow of a room we know that it changes the life energy of the space. Feng Shui is concerned with ch’i energy, which is affected by 6 things: direction, alignment, water, the 5 elements and the earth’s magnetic flow.

Today we will talk about the 5 elements of Feng Shui. They are water, earth, wood, metal and fire.

Metal affects our mental clarity, focus and logic. When we place metal in the room we feel the effects in organization abilities, our righteousness and our ability to reason analytically.   When there is little metal we may notice a feeling of quiet and lack of focus. When we surround ourselves with too much metal we can become overly critical and speak without thinking.

Wood is great for the creative mind and our expansion; it represents growth, birth, strength, and intuition. When we do not have wood present there is lack of creativity and stagnancy. When there is too much wood we can feel overwhelmed and inflexible.

Fire is our hot spot. It increases our leadership abilities, our inspiration and boldness. When we have too little fire we can seem cold and have little self-esteem. When there is too much wood it can express itself as anger and irritability.

Earth represents our physical strength by allowing us to feel grounded and balanced. When there is too little earth we may feel disorganized and spacey. If there is too much earth we may be affected with being sluggish or feeling heavy.

Water is a representation of our spirituality, emotions and wisdom. When we have too much water we may feel like we are drowning with too much emotion. When we have too little water we may feel loneliness, isolated and stressed.

Look at your space, if something feels out of balance check to see what elements are in the space. When we create a pleasant balanced environment our energy flows without hindrence, peace and calm become our natural way of being.  Angela is a Master Feng Shui Consultant and can help with your home, business or personal Feng Shui.