The other day I was told to be more transparent! What the…….

I thought about this for a couple days asking myself what transparency looks like. Does that mean I have to tell everyone my faults, every little horrible thing about who I am? Then I would ask myself who really cares about that? I would answer my own question with, probably no one. After all I don’t care about peoples faults, all I care about is their strengths and how to help them become more strong.

Transparent…I do not even have a working definition for that word. So I looked it up and this is what the on line simple Meriam-Webster dictionary said.

~ able to be seen through
~ easy to notice or understand
~ honest and open: not secretive

Then I asked myself if this was my working definition of the word and I agreed that it was. So I did not come up with a new definition, I used the above one.

Then, I asked if I was transparent? My answer is yes and no!

I am not secretive; I am always honest and open without harm to others. I repeat what I say in many different forms so that what I say is understood and I feel I am easily seen through, since I am honest. Being transparent does not equal privacy and sometimes I believe we have the two words confused. Am I private? Yes! Do I keep peoples information secret? Yes, because I am very ethical! So, if being ethical and private, honoring peoples privacy is not being transparent, then so be it.  Divulging others information is not something I am willing to disclose, my family included.

I dove deeper into my feeling about being transparent. I feel that there is a difference between being vulnerable and transparent. Being vulnerable, means that you are open to attack! Why would anyone want to do that, after all, everyone is due their opinion. It does not mean I have to be open to their opinion. If I were to do that, I would give into the rules of someone, giving up my power to be who I am.  Being vulnerable would go against every thing I teach.

Being transparent, is not giving up my power to anyone, and I am not open to publically displaying every crazy thought or emotion I have. We all know, that when someone opens themselves up to every dark corner of the mind, there is judgment. Doing this would again, put me in the box of someone else’s rules and giving up of my power.

Because I do not play the same game as someone else, does not mean I am not transparent and I will never be vulnerable. I am, like all of you, human. However, I do play by my own rules, where I practice, no judgment of who I am. If I am practicing true love, the only rule I have is love. To me, love only knows strength and it sees faults as growing wisdom, rather than negatives.

So, be as transparent as you want to and by no means, ever be vulnerable, as being open for attack should never be something to achieve or strive for. Below is what I posted on my facebook page as an attempt to be more transparent – let me know what you think!

I was told the other day to be more transparent! Not sure how to do that or be that, but here it goes.

As most of you know, I remember my star existences. Which means that I call myself a star being as well as a human being. I come to earth when I am called to by God to help and serve in what is deemed to be my truth, this lifetime, my truth and purpose is to activate and help other beings to recognize their own truth and purpose, to help them make sense of their remembering oneness and to help everyone in the “shifting” energy.

I really do not like separating myself by using words that describe or create rules around my being as this promotes separation theory. A theory which has caused much turmoil for the human aspect of who we are, as this theory enjoys the struggle between ego and soul.

We are in the midst of changing energy, many of you know it as “The Shift”, basically what is happening, all of us here on earth are remembering oneness. A way of being that dissolves separation within our thoughts, emotions, patterns and beliefs.

I will be as transparent as I can be without promoting separation between you and I, as everything I do affects you in some way. Just as I am constantly asking you to watch your words and how you describe yourself so not to create more separation within yourself, because it will affect me someway, somehow.

Here is my truth for today – I love each one of you so much that it is indescribable with the words that I can find. Rather than use words, I ask that you feel my love, the love of unity consciousness, which only seeks pure truth. A love so vast and deep, that it may seem overwhelming. Move inward to your energy, this is where you will find my love!

All my love to you!

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