Is it time to hire a personal coach

Is it time to hire a personal coach


August 23, 2013 by Angela

Do you feel like your stuck in the mud? Are there times in your life when you need someone to help you move forward? We are always changing, and sometimes we get stuck and need a little nudge to get us over the hump. If you are feeling this way, it is time to hire a personal coach.

To get started with coaching all you really need to do is to decide that you want a personal coach. Coaching starts with a conversation about who the client is and what his/her preferences are. In coaching I will ask questions that may reveal things that you have never thought of or revealed to any one before. During the coaching process you are the leader, you decide what you want to work on and how fast you want to work. You discover all your passions and strengths, and what the self-imposed obstacles are.

In my coaching practice I focus on the clients strengths, bringing forth all the good, positives qualities you have and encourage you to grow with them. You will take the VIA strengths survey and we will work within those areas.

Coaching is NOT therapy or counseling. It is about facilitating personal breakthroughs, which allow you to work for different results. You can stop beating your head against the wall and allow yourself to break free from what is not working in your life. Many people seek coaching for greater self-awareness, to change their perception, to get clear about life decisions and goals, and then to act and to be held accountable for their decisions.

Many of my clients are asking the following question when they come to coaching:

– I want to move myself forward mentally, physically or spiritually at Quantum speed, what do I need to do to make this happen?
– How do I find useful breakthrough‚Äôs that are meaningful to my life at this moment in time.
– I want to understand my intuition and how to use it effectively in my life to make decisions, knowing the answers are accurate for me.
– I want to live my life mindfully every moment of everyday. What is being mindful and how do I use?
– I am tired of painful life lessons and want to change my responses, and actions to live more at peace, what do I need to change?
– How do I manifest my greatest desires, wants, and needs?
– How do I find my souls purpose in this crazy, busy lifestyle I live?

My specialty is Intuitive coaching where I teach you how to use your own knowledge and wisdom to find the answers you are looking for. I use positive psychology to work with your own positive strengths to find your inner wisdom and to slow down enough to hear the answers your inner wisdom is telling you.

Contact me today to schedule your free consultation to find out if coaching is right for you at [email protected]

Is it time to hire a personal coach

Intuitive Life & Wellness Coach


April 10, 2014 by Angela

I canhear you asking what the heck is an Intuitive Life & Wellness Coach? Aren’t coaches suppose to be coaching sporting events? Why would I hire myself a coach?

According to a Manchester Consulting Group study of Fortune 100 executives, the Economic Times reports “coaching resulted in a return on investment of almost six times the program cost as well as a 77% improvement in relationships, 67% improvement in teamwork, 61% improvement in job satisfaction and 48% improvement in quality.”

Additionally, a study of Fortune 500 telecommunications companies by MatrixGlobal found executive coaching resulted in a 529% return on investment.

The CIPD concludes, “coaching is not just perceived as a nice-to-have intervention.”

As an Intuitive Life & Wellness Coach I have an advantage as I do not use a script which many coaches do, instead I use my intuition. What is the difference you ask? The difference is that I connect to my higher self/spirit and ask what needs to take place in order for change to happen? This is a very affective approach as we focus on the blocks or where the struggle is. This approach limits the time spent coaching and moves you quickly to living a more fulfilling life.

Coaching is not used to fix problems in your life, it is most effective when you want to hone your positive skills. I use Positive Psychology in my coaching practice focusing on your strengths and how you can utilize your skills to make the changes you desire. I am skilled in the process of change behavior by using a variety of techniques.

Coaching is a highly powerful activity and you can achieve remarkable progress in a short period of time. Most coaching sessions are 45 minutes to 1 hour in length and are generally held once a week for 4-5 sessions, a miniscule amount of time to invest in yourself, or your company.

As a coach, I am your advocate, not your friend. I will hold you accountable so you reach your dreams, desire and goals. My coaching relationship is unilateral, I am exclusively focused on you and your goals.

Angela is an ICF licensed Life & Wellness Coach. So, if you are motivated to reach your goals or to improve an area of your life, I‚Äôm ready for you! Call me at 605-491-4037 or email at [email protected].

Is it time to hire a personal coach

Show me Who I can be!


As a brilliant ray of light and Love, there is no limit to the abundance I wish for you. Only you put limits on who you can truly be.

When you ask this, I send you more energy and love to bust any blocks that your mind holds against you. There are no limits!

I know you are thinking in terms of the 3D world but I encourage you, no I challenge you to be beyond the 3D. Maybe you choose to be an organism from another galaxy. Maybe you choose to be dust from a star. Or maybe, just maybe you choose to be a ray of colored Love that lights the path for a fellow soul.

You see when you think in 3D you remain in 3D. I want you to expand to the far reaches of infinite possibilities, where everything is possible. Where everything is expected to be a miracle within a miracle. Where there are no limits to your brilliance.

You see you can be anything your soul desires. The possibilities are limitless. The mind is only a small piece of who you really can be. Look within to find the more expansive you.

When you look within what do you see? What do you hear and most importantly what do you feel? When you feel who you can be, you stand in your own power to be anything. Create something new, be something no one has seen before. Then and only then do you know who you can be, but when you look within I will show you.

Come, look within and be expansive! Be the unlimited grace of who you are meant to be. Be Love that transcends the limit of the mind.

Create everything and create nothing.

The options are yours to be!


Is it time to hire a personal coach

Will you walk with me


This is an age old question, “Why is love so hard?” One would think it would be easy to love, just to feel bliss towards yourself or someone else all the time. One would think finding bliss would be so simple.

This is where we seem to get it wrong. Thinking about it! When we think about emotions, love, bliss; it tends to screw it up. Instead of thinking and allowing our perceptions, ego’s, anger’s, jealousies, old memories to take over and control the feeling of love, we should just feel it, even possibly be love and not allow the thinking brain to enter the situation.

However, this is not easy to do, because we are humans and we are thinking beings; we are not benevolent being and feeling and being love is very hard to do. Lets just play with this thought. Lets visualize what LOVE would be if we didn’t have to think. As I quiet my mind and body and try to envision what a human being would be without thoughts, old memories with criticized emotions attached to them.

My vision is very peaceful, so blissful, it’s like a lazy summer day where I lay on the beach and watch the birds flying overhead. The waves from the river flop lazily against the sand and the breeze is perfectly cooling my body as I lay on the warm ground with the sun warming my body at the same time. Just being one with the universe, equal to everything and everyone. My family is around me and we all simply enjoy the simplicity of just being. We shine brightly with Love and we have no worries, no cares, no distain, just Love. There is no competition or harsh words; instead just unconditional love for everyone and everything. No matter what we do together there is no judgment, everything is acceptable. Of course there is no anger, or violence because a being of love does not provoke such emotions. Those lower vibration emotions simply do not exist because beings of love harbor no such emotions.

The tears enter as I long for such a world!   I know in my heart that this place of being can exist here on earth and I am one who continually believes in miracles. If each of us would begin to move from this 3D world to a state of fifth dimensional consciousness we could make it happen so quickly. Fifth dimensional being is simply living from your heart, so be a co-creator with me. Lets bring heaven to earth and live a loving, compassionate, peaceful, and graceful life. We are human after all and we have the gift of free will to choose something different from what we are experiencing now. Please join me in being vulnerable and having the courage to love as if we are living in a fifth dimensional world.

Is it time to hire a personal coach

Being Authentically YOU!


Who is the real me? What are my desires and dreams? I seem to be in the midst of a huge energy change, these energy changes are usually what bring on my second-guessing or questionings. The confusion of the above questions can sometimes be too much, bringing uneasy feelings and emotions.

Today I experienced a very lovely energy change, one that I have been waiting for for some time now, it is followed by many, many questions and a feeling of despair, inadequacy, yet much love and feeling of ecstasy.   My emotional body is in turmoil.

Wondering if anyone else can relate to this experience when you are aware of energy shifts with your physical, mental, spiritual or emotional bodies.

This energy shifting type of work, which affects all our bodies, is very hard work, it is emotionally and physically draining. Since I have had many of these energy shifts before, I know in my mind and in my heart that it will pass, but it is never easy to work through. It is like riding an emotional roller coaster, up one minute and down the next, taking a turn to elation and then to the smooth downhill slope to boredom. Riding the coaster of extremes!

Sometime it is very helpful for me to help the energy move quicker, making the shift happen to some degree. I have attempted to work in my gardens (pulling weeds), which sometimes helps. I took a nice long shower; with the intention the water would rinse away everything that is no longer needed. I have drunk an abundance of water trying to flush the body system and to make more room for expansion. Meditated for an extra half hour. None of which has helped. So now I need to review and ask for help from Source to see what will work.

I did a new meditation today, which really helped in moving the energy. I will share it with you here.

Sit with your back straight, put your hand on your heart, ask to connect to your higher self. Envision or feel light behind your hand in your heart space, allow this light to become larger and larger. Then imagine or feel this light moving outside of you and right in front of you. Now imagine yourself walking into this light which comes from your higher self. You are inside this light energy from Source and the light expands as far as you can. Then imagine your heart spreads wider and wider. Allowing your heart space is encompassing any energy that it needs to encompass to help you move energy within and outside of you. Feel the presence of new energy and the presence of space to handle all the new energy. Then bring yourself back into the present moment.

This really seemed to help moving my energy. I felt the physical body expand and encompass the energy. Feel free to explore new things, allow your mind to create what works for you! And most of all have fun.

Is it time to hire a personal coach

Can you feel it?


Lately I have been feeling a shift in energy. It is not a familiar shift in energy and has been stirring for a good part of this year. It doesn’t hurt or feel weird in any way, just different.  In the past several weeks I have noticed a change in my energy level, my taste has changed as well as my allergies. The energy seems to move me up and down in vibration several times a day. My dreams are also different, with some nights dreaming all night and other nights not at all. Not that that is entirely different, however the dreams are different, filled with messages and things I am not familiar with.

Generally when I go through a shift in energy/vibration it happens fairly quickly, within a week. I checked in with my guides about two weeks ago to find they weren’t within chatting distance. I found it odd, considering they are there all the time and when my guides change or leave they usually tell me so I can prepare for the new ones. This time it was a total shock! I have been checking in to see if they have stepped forward and they continue to be absent. I do feel a very large presence around me, nothing I have ever felt before. I have tried to talk with this new energy to find out what or who it is… and nothing, it has simply surrounded me with an essence, which is totally unfamiliar to me.

So why would I write about my guides and energies that I work with, usually I keep these types of things semi private, a relationship that I have not felt compelled to share with the world. Again, this time it is different and I seem to have a need to share, to confirm or to engage with you about changing energies.

I have been talking this week with several of my mentors because of my ego’s wanting to know what is happening. They have been having some of the same things happening, feeling of new energy, not sure what it is or why it is happening. They talked a lot about Goddess/God energy and star people energy. I found this all so intriguing.   I also found it to be a synchronicity with my last visit to the Chopra center where I met Vamadeva Shastri who channels Kali. Kali is a Goddess of Shakti, information for another blog post. Vamadeva Shastri is one of the most intriguing women I have met, she talked a lot about bringing feminine power of love, compassion, peace and joy back to women. I found my conversations with my mentors to be a very strong confirmation that the energy that has been surrounding me is a form of this beautiful Goddess energy of love, compassion, peace and joy. Words I try to use frequently!

I find it difficult to express this type of energy since I have been predominantly taught and am comfortable with masculine energy. Even when I was younger my Dad would make me do the carpentry work at home. I worked equal to my brother with the farm work. I grew up during a period where women wanted to be equal with men, both psychically and mentally. So to engage and encourage this new energy is taking a complete overhaul of perception, a mind shift in my thinking patterns.

My message is to hang in there when there is a shift in energy or vibration. To find an ebb and flow with the transition, try to treat it like you do any other shifts in your life. The point is to be aware of the energy/vibration shift and to enjoy the anticipation of something new. When I fight against the new energy I create pain and suffering for myself, so will allow this energy to take form. If you are having similar shifts I would love to hear about them!