by Angela Blaha | Jan 27, 2014 | Soul
When was the last time you took a Himalayan Salt bath? Or went for a walk in the woods? Or read a book just for fun? Or consciously rub lotion on the body, not just slapping it on before you rush out the door?
Taking care of the body, mind and soul are so important for us to do not only on a daily basis, but several times a day. When we create an intimate relationship with the body, mind and soul we are creating a completely different level of connection with ourselves. A connection that is rich in love, compassion and care.
When I take the time to pamper myself I can feel the energy rise with in the body. My thinking changes and I feel good about the time I spent on just me. As a woman in my society I find it is not very acceptable to take extra care of myself. Oh, sure it is great if I put night cream on right before I go to bed, but what about taking an afternoon to meet with people who stretch my imagination? Which I totally love.
When I allow myself permission to grow, I notice the grey hair slows down and my eyes seem to be brighter. When was the last time you paid attention to the detail of your eyes, sure you know the color of your eyes, but when was the last time you really looked at your eyeballs and noticed all the different colors in them that make up the main color?
When you look beyond the face, beyond the color of your eyes, down into the depth of the darkness of the eyes center. What do you see? I encourage you to share what you see in the comments section below.
by Angela Blaha | Oct 24, 2013 | Soul
The Akashic records are also known as the Book of Life or the record of your soul.
It has been a belief for thousands of years that only sages & masters have been able to access the Akashic records. Now we know that this information is no longer true. Any one of you can access your own record.
The records hold information about your souls journey in this life, in your past life and in your future life. Every word, every action, every thought and every emotion have been recorded in your book of life.
The records are housed in a Hall of Records and they are guarded by Lords of the records, masters, teachers and loved ones.
Why do want to access our records?
There are many reasons we would want to access our own book of life. I access my records to understand my life purpose, to help me move to higher spiritual level or vibration. It helps me to recognize patterns.
The Akashics work at a soul level and the questions you want to ask should be at a soul level.
Example: Should I move across town in a month? – not a good question
How can I help people move towards their higher self?
Access to the future is not often given because they believe it may alter your free will to choose. Future information is given if there is a fuller understanding to move you towards your evolution. If its not for your highest good information is simply not given.
There has been such an overwhelming interest in the Akashic records class, I have now opened a new class date- November 5th at 7:00 pm. at the Sanctuary, Parkridge mall, second floor, Suite E, Sioux Falls, SD
Please register by calling or texting 605-491-4037. Cost is $25.00 per person.
by Angela Blaha | Jul 18, 2013 | Soul
I’m not sure about you, but this Mercury retrograde has been all about learning for me. Actually since my back surgery it has been all about learning and healing.
My process has included many books, many gatherings of like minded people and meditation, journaling and writing.
It has been trying at times and so rewarding at other times.
My recent learning experience has been with a book called, “How to read the Akashic Records,” by Linda Howe. I was introduced to Akashic Records about 4 years ago and have always been interested in how to access the records. Well come to find out it is pretty easy. The Akashic Records are the amazing records of your soul which are kept in safe keeping by nonphysical Light Beings called the Lords of the Records.
I have visited my records several times now and it is amazing how clear the information is. I have noticed that the questions you ask need to be questions of knowledge or wisdom. No yes or no questions, they seem highly irritated with you when you ask simple questions.
If you are interested in the Akashic Records and the process please let me know and I will forward information to you. You can e-mail me at
by Angela Blaha | Jun 28, 2013 | Soul
How does one forgive? This seems to be a question I hear over and over.
Do you just say, “OK I forgive you.” Sometimes it is enough to just say the words either to yourself or to someone else. Other times it doesn’t seem to be enough. There still seems to be some sort of emotion, maybe it’s anger, resentment, jealousy, but something hangs on so when I think of the incident or a person’s name, it triggers some emotion or feeling inside. Some emotion or feeling that I have not identified with or simply do not want to feel or identify with, maybe I’m just not ready to identify with it.
So does forgiveness mean that I have to feel every heart wrenching feeling, accept the feeling and then do what with it? Do I just say ok I am setting this feeling of anger go, then it is done? Is my forgiveness truly gone?
I know that these feelings hold me back and they bind me even closer to the incident or the person who I need to forgive. So how do I unbind myself? Every place I read about forgiveness, I am told to simply let go, to find peace within. But really how do you do it – Forgive – let go – find peace?
Here is my process that I follow when forgiveness is in order.
1. Awareness: Aware that there is something holding me to the incident or the person. I identify with the emotion or feeling by asking my soul, “What is it that I am holding on to?”
2. Meditation: If the answer doesn’t come right away I try meditating and ask the universe for a clear and accurate answer.
3. Feeling: Then I sit with it, really allowing the feeling and/or emotion to surface. I am not one who likes to feel discomfort so this part of the process is especially difficult. This may take several attempts depending on if I have old memories to deal with as well as new memories with the incident.
4. Release: After I have allowed myself to fully experience what is holding me there, then and only then do I release the emotion or feeling. I literally say out loud or to myself, “I release this emotion or feeling to the heaven’s or to the earth to be dealt with properly. I am free from being __________ with or about ___________.”
5. Visualize: Then I visualize this feeling or emotion leaving my body and being released. Sometime I will journal about the experience and write about how it felt to release and to be free.
If you need to do this process over again & again to allow yourself to release the emotion or feeling and to completely forgive, Do it.
There is no greater joy than releasing yourself from bondage through forgiveness.
by Angela Blaha | Jun 18, 2013 | Soul
What is your Dharma (life Purpose)? This is one of the three soul questions that is ask going into meditation if you practice Deepak Chopra’s, Primordial Sound Meditation.
What is my life’s Dharma or purpose? This can be a hard question to ask and an even harder one to answer. It all seems so big, a life’s purpose. Yikes
Does it mean I have a purpose from the time I am born until the time I die? Is that purpose the same purpose my entire life? It just seems too big to even answer, as well as ask.
Lets break it down a little, instead of asking it for your entire life, simple ask, “What is my Dharma for this moment in time?” It seems much more manageable now if we focus on the here and now.
The easiest way I have found to begin to answer the question is to relate it to something I am comfortable with. Meaning, if you enjoy writing maybe you begin with an outline. Outline what you enjoy in life, what your goals are, or your love for yourself, your strengths. If you’re a scientific mind maybe you put your dreams, desire and goals into a chart or formula or graph. It really doesn’t matter what you start with, just start.
I prefer to think of it as an umbrella with raindrops streaming from the metal posts. In the umbrella is the main purpose. My main purpose is Healing, then in the raindrops are examples or ways in which I share healing. For example: 1 raindrop is Reiki, another hypnosis, another teacher, another listener, another Intuitive coach, another wellness coach, another meditation, and another yoga, etc.
If I want to break it down even further I could explain with feelings, emotions, or techniques I use. The possibilities are endless.
The main point is to find your life’s purpose, make it as broad or as specific as you want, just try not to limit yourself. You can always add or take away raindrops to fit where you are currently in life. Life changes and so does our life’s purpose from time to time.
For me, answering the question is all about giving my life importance, direction and it allows me to create me. My soul is filled with joy!
by Angela Blaha | Jun 11, 2013 | Soul
I was helping my nephew work on his intuition skills the other day.
The topic became very interesting when I asked him what he see’s – meaning using his clairvoyant abilities? He told me what he saw and it occurred to me that he waited until it became dark to answer the question.
I asked, “what is it about he dark that you enjoy?” After a bit of time he said, “I never thought about liking the dark, I always thought I was afraid of the dark.” I commented on how he waited until it was dark to even try to use his abilities. So I assumed he enjoyed the dark or the dark in some way heightened his abilities. We talked for a little while about what it all meant if anything.
We came to a working conclusion (one that can be changed) that our perception tells us that we are afraid because we cannot visually see what is there. We all have had times when we feel energy brush up against us in the dark. Your hair stands on end on your arms, or you get goose bumps. If we open up our intuition, we can see in the dark, we can see dots of light, colors or whatever. My nephew, in particular, can see, with his eyesight, colors of angels and other energies. He also can use his clairvoyance and see specifics like people, places, and things. We do not pay much attention to energy that brushes up against us in the day time. What is the difference?
Be thankful for the dark, it can heighten your abilities. It also brings a whole different perspective to our lives, set yourself free. Don’t be afraid of the dark. Think about what you can see rather than what you cannot.