Defining a starseed

Defining a starseed



I cannot believe I would label this blog with such rules as to define a starseed. We have no definition; rather we have similarities, all of which can change in a split second to something different.

If you search the Internet there are a multitude of definitions, quizzes and articles.

What I can say with certainty of a starseed is this.

I am not from Earth!

I do not feel a deep connection to earth, however I sympathize with her and what she has gone through as a planet. When I connect to her I feel her pain and suffering. I see the bloodshed, the torture and the destruction. I also see and feel how beautiful she is with her majestic abilities to create such beautiful scenes. I feel her wanting to create harmony, peace and to heal. I feel compassion for you Mother Earth and I bring you much love!

With this inner wisdom of knowing, I am not from here, I feel like there is so much information that I should be able to access. I become highly frustrated with this inner knowing and sometimes demand a clear understanding as why it is not at my beck and call. I instinctly know that I and you have the ability to access cosmic, spiritual and love energies and I believe in my being that I should be able to do so at any given time I desire.

So what is my holdup? I have searched this world and many of the people who mentor me why I cannot access this information. All I hear is either one of two answers. Why would I want such information, or all will be revealed in divine timing.

I call bullcrap!

I am a starseed who, like everyone else on this planet has access to everything. Source does not hold secrets or keep thing hidden! I just haven’t figured out how to access this Galactic/Spiritual Akashic field yet, which is my desire and goal to do by the end of this year.

As a spirit in a human body I intuitively know that we have access to the remembering of who we are. If we want all the entire gamete of information all at once or just pieces of the info, that is up to us.

When I am asked why I would even want the remembering of everything? My answer to this question is, why not? Why wouldn’t I want this information, this information for me means there is no more separation. No separation between Source and myself or anything else. It would mean what I know to be my truth that I am one with the cosmos.  Who doesn’t want this information? This is my return question, and maybe I am alone in this quest but I know there is so much more and I want it all.  This is very powerful stuff and if I can remember the beautiful love energy that resides at my core why wouldn’t I want this wisdom, not to mention the overwhelming emotion of pure love that I get a glimpse of when I channel.

I do not know what my holdup to accessing this information is right now, but I do feel like it will come soon, in the mean time I will continue to meditate and to ask for the remembering. And I will continue to call bullcrap as the innate being I am knows there in infinite possibilities and tapping into those possibilities is a life changer.

As a starseed or just plain ol human being I refuse to stay within the definitions of what I am suppose to be – I will conquer the wisdom in this lifetime or die trying!




I had been anticipating much joy of my recent silent retreat for months, I couldn’t wait to be in silence, to go so deep within myself that I would become lost. This is something I had been craving for a very long time now.

Little did I know it would be so much more than just a simple craving!

I contracted strep throat infection the Friday before I left for my trip, I was so sick. It was the sickest I have been since my college years. My entire throat was white with infection; I ran a fever, headache, etc. I thought seriously about not going to the retreat as I was driving over 13 hours and I really did not want to infect others.

The morning I was scheduled to leave, I again thought I should not go, but I somehow knew and understood that this infection was my body fighting against change. Cell memory that needed to be released and healed yet was so eager to hang on to what it was comfortable with. I made the decision to pack up my clothes and to attend no matter what was trying to stop me, determined to transform even in the face of physical illness.

The first day of the retreat was zen silence, which meant no eye contact along with no talking or writing. Just being with myself. It was perfect, exactly what I was hoping for. There was no need for odd communication of any kind with total strangers. I loved every minute of it.

It was a total stripping down of myself, which was my intent. Strip away what is no longer needed or useful. I spent the day doing a lot of crying, not much thought, just being present with nature and listening to the soul.

The following days were equally as transformative, day two was spent with ridding the body of cell memory done via massage, a Lakota sweat, and lithium hot springs. I felt new again and the body felt much pleasure.

The third day was spent with healing, feeling a familiarity to Crestone, I knew I had been there before in some other life and that I needed to heal the earth and my actions of that lifetime. It all became evident with the remembering of that life and perceived actions of good will, which did not turn out that way. This day was spent with so many blessing and such deep healing with spirit, the land and myself.

Day four and five were filled with rejuvenation, stepping fully into my abilities and demonstrating them. Making new connections with soul family at the retreat and plans for the future.

Many blessings to all of you!

Here is an amazing spirit photo from Crestone!IMG_2092

Play date

Play date


It begins to rain as I sit to write this blog. Some hate rainy days; I love rainy, cloudy days as they have a tendency to make me go inward. Something I need to do right now as this creation time for me is slipping away with no real creation at hand.

As I sit with my eyes closed, I can sense the flashes of the lightening. I know the thunder will start soon and right on queue it shakes the earth with its mighty boom. The sound of thunder continues to roll through, like a mantra it encourages me to go deeper. Enticing me to spend time with my soul and to feel the wonder of the earth and all of her beauty. As the raindrops begin to fall, I hear the splashing pings on my roof, the flashes of light and thunder continue. As I take a deep breath I settle into a peaceful place where there is nothing but the sounds of nature and the quietness she brings. I notice a child like essence begin to flow out of me as I wonder what it would feel like to stomp my foot in the puddle as I did when I was younger.

As my mind begins to wonder to my list of chores Mother Nature once again sends a gentle reminder of thunder to move away from the list, to experience her beauty and further within. The birds begin to sing their song of praise and I can imagine in my mind’s eye how they are fluffing their feathers in the gentle rain as it cleanses their bodies.

As I bring my awareness to the sound of the rain drops on the roof, then on the deck, then on the leaves of the plants near by, I again notice this child like essence who wants to come out to play yet I mentally tell myself not to splash in that puddle. I play this mental game with myself with notions to splash or not to splash.

I begin to notice that I hear an entire orchestra playing, sounds of thunder and how it rolls through the sky, splashing sounds as the water hits the multitude of surfaces around me. I envision the rain cleaning and cleansing the air, removing the dust from the leaves and nurturing the earth in a way that is simply a wonder and hard to find words to create the vision I am in right now.

I am in awe of the creation of it all. I have been feeling a bit stuck lately in my creations and I wonder how I can be feeling that way when such beauty has been created right before me. I have no excuses, as I am the creator of everything I do. If Source can create such wonder for me to live in then I need not have excuses of my own creation.

Thank you mother earth for reminding me of how simple life really is and that no matter what we perceive to be happening that we can return to such simplicity at any given moment.

I give thanks to Mother Nature today, as she apparently knew I needed to go inward to where the real essence of whom I am resides. She once again has provided the opportunity to settle inward with the perfect mantra and sounds for my meditation and writings today.


Soul Talking


In Honor of Valentines Day, I am running a Soul Talking Special. Give yourself or a loved one a personalized gift this Valentines Day. A gift from their own soul.

Have you often wondered what your soul wants you to know?
When was the last time you noticed how beautiful your soul is?

1/2 hour session for $40.00
Service delivered by phone.
A 20 minute soul reading with Angie.
Soul Gazing Exercise (you will need a mirror for the exercise).

During the reading you can ask questions or you can just listen to what your soul really wants you to know right now. During the Soul Gazing exercise you will be reminded of how beautiful your soul is and how important it is to always listen and to check in with your soul to make life the beautiful creation that it really is.

To order your gift please send me an e-mail at


Another Year


Do you ever feel like time is just slipping away?  Today is my birthday and I feel as if I haven’t done enough this year.  Can you relate?

Ugh.  I just hate it when I feel this way!  The feeling of powerlessness, that I’m not doing enough to help others.  I am on the verge of creating or rather partnering with some very powerful women to create something spectacular, however it just seems like things cannot move fast enough.  I get caught up in the energy of creation and then the ego comes in and instead of putting down the creative work bluntly, it’s trick is to create feelings of inadequacy.

I have been reading and studying “A Course in Miracles” for well over a year now.  If you are not familiar with the study, it is Jesus’ non-edited version of how we are to live our lives.  Along with A Course in Miracles I am reading “The Disappearance of the Universe,”  in which Saint Thomas and  Saint Thaddaeus, who appear to Gary Renard.   While Thomas and Thaddaeus reconfirm and even offer suggestions to overcome the ego and other aspects of life, the ego sometimes sneaks in.  Anyway, these two books have changed my life and in the mean time have subsided the ego and it’s threat to control.  With that being said, every now and then it creeps in and tries to sabotage my creativeness.  Yesterday it began to raise its crazy head and feed me with such nonsense.

So I have been on a mission of releasing over the past two days.  What I have noticed is that I have hurried out of bed, not saying my usual prayers and gratitude’s.  Nor have I been journeying or meditating on a regular basis, only doing it when I think I have time.  Up until now the ego has not been visible to me or at least I have not noticed it until yesterday.

My first rule about release is to do my practices each and every day.  No matter what it is vital to stay connected to spirit everyday.  Being connected keeps me strong.  I have found that the ego knows when my strength is weak and it creeps in when I am vulnerable.  My second rule, when the ego has found the week spot, is to meditate to release it.  I journeyed this morning and found it to be a huge relief of the ego and its thoughts.  In fact my power animal allowed me to fly with him and to remind me that everything is possible.  My third rule, is to do something that gets me excited which further releases the ego thought.

Learn from my mistakes, do your practices everyday no matter how busy you think you are.  If you have not yet created a practice to stay connected to spirit, now is a great time to do so.

If you would like more information on “A Course in Miracles” visit their website at‎

Soul Readings

Soul Readings


carynns pic tree  I will be giving Soul Reading on February 7 & 8, 2014 at the Butterfly Rainbow Center.  The Center is located at 1416 S. Minnesota Ave.,  Sioux Falls, SD.  The cost is $20 for 15 minutes.

I know your asking, “What is a Soul Reading?”

A Soul Reading is very special.  I connect directly with your soul and ask it what messages it may have for you at this time.  It is truly an extraordinary reading.  I cannot compare it to any other type of reading that I currently do.  The connection from my soul to your soul is so powerful and beautiful.

It is really hard for me to put into words what happens when I do a Soul Reading, but I will try.  When I connect to your soul I visualize a beam of light coming down from above my crown chakra into my heart area (this is where my soul is located), this beam of light then flows to your heart area, then moves upward through your crown chakra and back to my crown chakra.  The information that comes through is directly from your soul.  I can see the soul and hear it.  Sometimes it is crying and other times it is so excited.  There is so much emotion that I see, which really helps me to gauge the importance of what the soul is trying to tell you.  From there I simply say whatever your soul wants me to say.

I must say that this reading is so deep that the last several I have done, have made huge impacts in people.  Mainly because it comes directly from themselves, it is something they have felt or thought about but somehow did not pay attention to.  Sometimes people come with a question or agenda, the soul tells me this is not what is important, they really need to focus on something different but related.  For instance, I have had several divorce questions lately (I never touch the issue of divorce or death), however each time I told each individual that I do not deal with divorce, their soul came through with such a strong lesson to be learned that I shared the lesson, instead of the decision.  This message from your soul changes everything, and makes so much more sense than a “yes” leave or “no” stay answer.  It has everything to do with your soul moving forward on it’s journey in this life.

So, if you have never had a Soul reading, please take some time to experience what your soul is saying.  Visit me on Friday & Saturday at The Butterfly Rainbow Center in Sioux Falls or call to set up your own private session.  Just click on the tab “Contact Angela” for more information on how to contact me.