Remembering who I am at the core is much more difficult than I had anticipated. I am not a patient person and so when I ask for something I want it immediately. I know I am not alone in this pursuit of immediate response, as I know you can relate.
I have learned that the remembering of love and healing comes slowly, or at least more slowly than what I want. It seems to come when I least expect it and when it comes it either comes brutally or so very kind and gentle. Either way it comes I usually get the point!
For instance I recently had a remembering when I was in Colorado. I remembered I had brought people to a sacred place in the mountains to heal. I thought I was doing a good thing, but the people I brought there apparently had an alternative motive and destruction was a part of their plan. When I remembered what had happened my emotions became carried away with my perceived actions, creating a sense in me that I had done something wrong. My perception was that Mother Earth, in its alignment with galaxies beyond this one could help heal people and their habitual patterns. What I did not take into consideration was people’s willingness to allow healing to take place. I also learned that fear will override even the best of intentions.
Since this experience in Colorado I have learned that many people really enjoy being or believing that they are victims, that what happens to them is totally out of control. They allow fear to play games with their internal wisdom, what they know deep down within them to be their truth. Creating all kinds of scenarios which are linked to past perceptions, patterns and belief systems creating a false sense of who they are.
As a starseed I know and understand that everything is within our control and that we are responsible for our thoughts, actions, words, etc. We are responsible for our own remembering of who we are at our core. In my book: Show Me How to Remember My Power through Self-love and Forgiveness”, St. Germaine reminds us to love ourselves unconditionally, no matter what we remember.
I do know for certain that I am love!
I do remember how amazing pure love is and I feel it when I channel. Sometimes it is so mesmerizing that I do not want to return from this state of being pure love as I know within my being that that feeling is what a starseed is. Pure love is the core of who we are as well as every other being, but at times I want so desperately to return to that pure love as I know it is where I belong. When I am in the moment of pure love, with the wisdom of this essence, I am home, home is not a place where I go to, rather it is a place of being.
When I remember that I am a being of love the whole dynamic of who I am changes, my response to people change, my perception about events change, the way I walk even changes. I do remember the energy of love and that is really what a starseed in a human body means to me. It does not matter what human functions I can do, rather it is a form of being.