
I had been anticipating much joy of my recent silent retreat for months, I couldn’t wait to be in silence, to go so deep within myself that I would become lost. This is something I had been craving for a very long time now.

Little did I know it would be so much more than just a simple craving!

I contracted strep throat infection the Friday before I left for my trip, I was so sick. It was the sickest I have been since my college years. My entire throat was white with infection; I ran a fever, headache, etc. I thought seriously about not going to the retreat as I was driving over 13 hours and I really did not want to infect others.

The morning I was scheduled to leave, I again thought I should not go, but I somehow knew and understood that this infection was my body fighting against change. Cell memory that needed to be released and healed yet was so eager to hang on to what it was comfortable with. I made the decision to pack up my clothes and to attend no matter what was trying to stop me, determined to transform even in the face of physical illness.

The first day of the retreat was zen silence, which meant no eye contact along with no talking or writing. Just being with myself. It was perfect, exactly what I was hoping for. There was no need for odd communication of any kind with total strangers. I loved every minute of it.

It was a total stripping down of myself, which was my intent. Strip away what is no longer needed or useful. I spent the day doing a lot of crying, not much thought, just being present with nature and listening to the soul.

The following days were equally as transformative, day two was spent with ridding the body of cell memory done via massage, a Lakota sweat, and lithium hot springs. I felt new again and the body felt much pleasure.

The third day was spent with healing, feeling a familiarity to Crestone, I knew I had been there before in some other life and that I needed to heal the earth and my actions of that lifetime. It all became evident with the remembering of that life and perceived actions of good will, which did not turn out that way. This day was spent with so many blessing and such deep healing with spirit, the land and myself.

Day four and five were filled with rejuvenation, stepping fully into my abilities and demonstrating them. Making new connections with soul family at the retreat and plans for the future.

Many blessings to all of you!

Here is an amazing spirit photo from Crestone!IMG_2092

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