
Are you living a ho-hum life?

Remember when you were a kid and everything in the world seemed so magical. Nothing could happen to you that kept you from feeling and being happy! Your dolls and trucks were so cool that they seemed real and you imagined that they really were.

Remember when you thought creatively, saw imaginary friends (the ones that were real in some other dimension) and every need was met without you even thinking you had a need.

Remember when you ran through the mud puddles and the fresh spring rain would splash all over and you giggled and laughed and thought the world was amazing? Remember when you discovered a worm crawling out of its hole for the first time and you just watched it move, intrigued at how it could move without legs or arms.

Remember when time seemed endless, as if days and nights had no beginning or ends, they just were.   Remember when you experienced your first Christmas and you knew that magic really did exist.

Have you fallen away from the belief that magic is real? Why?

Everyday is magical, when you see beyond the dimension of illusion and into the abyss, there is only magic. Time is disappearing, as we move into 5th dimensional energy, you can stretch it or release it to fit your needs. There are scientific studies on the fact that you can do it, time should feel magical. Time is part of the illusion of third dimensional energy, so play with time. It is only a tool.

Why not you allow yourself to jump into those mud puddles, allowing that playful aspect of you to enjoy life, feeling grateful for every drop of rain and every move you make. Life remains simple and pleasurable, which is where we deserve and need to be. So, be sure to play today.

If you allow your mind to expand, you can see those imaginary friends, they show up as dragons, past loved one, fairies, little green men. They are not there to frighten you or hurt you, rather they are there to expand your natural abilities to live within the fifth dimension and beyond.

When we give gifts to others or spend quality time with those we love, that is truly when magic appears. Learning about someone at the depth of his or her soul is very magical. This being-ness allows them and you to feel safe in knowing and understanding them and yourself, at a level beyond the ego.

If you feel you have fallen from paradise, from the magical aspects of life, do something you used to love to do when you were a child. When we play we express our gratitude for being alive, for being loved and for being love.

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