
Can I really use this Chaos Energy that I am experiencing now, as an energy advantage?

I know many of your have been experiencing the extreme ups and downs with the energy shifts.  The energy is in full tilt as we continue our expansion process.  I feel like I am on an emotional and mental rollercoaster nearly everyday now.  The vibration of the energy is high and continues to remain high, generally we move into high vibration and then it settles back down allowing us to become accustomed to the energy.  However, lately the energy continues to spike higher and higher and this week will continue to be high.This sort of action requires us to go higher and higher without any leveling off to allow the energy to settle into our cells, this creates such a high emotion and multitude of thought, that we feel as if we are going crazy because it is hard to maintain this high energy level 24/7.

Know this:  You are not crazy and everyone is experiencing this energy.  You may feel chaotic, like life is spinning out of control, however you are experiencing the expansion process.

There are many things we can do to work with the energy.  For instance, when you crave sugar right now, allow yourself to have a small bit of sugar.  If your exhausted, find the time to take naps or sleep in.  If you need to be outside in the sun, then take time to be in the sun.  Do some earthing – put your feet in the dirt or in the grass and pay attention to how your body feels.

What is happening with our world is the expansion process.  Which simply means we are moving from a carbon based world to a crystalline based world.  Our chakra system has to upgrade to allow the body to crystalize.  Being a crystalline body has many advantages, such as living longer, less illness, etc.  The energy highs that we are experiencing is the process of collapsing grids and moving into 5th Dimensional energy and beyond is both exciting and a bit unnerving at the same time.

You can use the energy to your advantage by moving into flow, try not to over process the emotions and thoughts, write them down and let them belong to the paper.  You can visualize this process, of pouring out your old thoughts and emotions onto the paper and locking those thoughts and emotions to the paper.  Not allowing them to come back into you.  This is a releasing process of riding your body of the old thoughts and emotions to allow space for new to flow in.

Moving the physical body more is a good way to rid the body of old celled memory.  Our cells hold memory of old thought, emotional and belief patterns, when you move the body through walking or exercise with the intent to release old thought, emotions and patterns, then the body will do just what you tell it to do.

Another technique is to allow yourself to expand into your belief patterns, ask yourself if this is true today.  Belief patterns are generally formed when you are young and because you are a continuous changing being, those belief patterns are probably out of date and really do not fit who you are today.  Allowing yourself to release these old patterns or to at least update them is being in flow with the energy.

Doing what you need to do to be in flow right is important with the expansion process.  Reach out for help if you need it.  I have created a Facebook group where we discuss the energy and how to cope and change with it, we are not here to maneuver the expansion process alone.  I hope you join us at Blissful Living Facebook Group.

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