Over the past few days I have been asking myself what really is lack mentality?
Do I possess lack mentality or beliefs, if so, where and what do I have lack about?
Webster’s online dictionary states that lack means: a state of being without or not having enough of something.
“A state of being”…….ouch!
I always understood lack of something meant wanting or needing something I did not have, but a state of being…..puts an entirely different spin on it. I really had not thought or felt into lack mentality as a state of being.
For me, a state of being means, ‘I am’ whatever I lack. “A state of being” moves into a belief, a dominant or core belief which extends into present day. So, if I lack money, my new definition means that I am a lack of money. Which puts me in a totally different vibrational alignment of what I try to achieve around money. Money is a simple example for a “lack of belief”, as everyone, at one time or another can resonate with the concept.
This means, if I want to change my ability to receive money, I have to change my thoughts, emotions, actions, and I have to change my state of being. For me, this means and entire overhaul of the belief pattern around the entire subject, starting where the belief began.
Now, I understand that money is simply energy, just as I am energy and as energy we exchange all the time. So as energy, I know I have the ability to change belief, thoughts, emotions, actions, etc at will. This is a core belief, so to change this belief around lack of money, should be fairly simple.
As an energy being, I feel into money and how we exchange energy. What does it offer me? It offers an exchange, which providing safety in the form of a house, electricity, my entire fundamental needs are met with this exchange. And I am in full receiving mode of this kind of exchange. As I dig a little deeper I ask what else does it offer? It offers a valuable exchange for services and goods I want and need to purchase, again I am in full receptive mode for these items. At the same time, I create a sense of gratefulness I have what I need to feel safe in this world.