It begins to rain as I sit to write this blog. Some hate rainy days; I love rainy, cloudy days as they have a tendency to make me go inward. Something I need to do right now as this creation time for me is slipping away with no real creation at hand.
As I sit with my eyes closed, I can sense the flashes of the lightening. I know the thunder will start soon and right on queue it shakes the earth with its mighty boom. The sound of thunder continues to roll through, like a mantra it encourages me to go deeper. Enticing me to spend time with my soul and to feel the wonder of the earth and all of her beauty. As the raindrops begin to fall, I hear the splashing pings on my roof, the flashes of light and thunder continue. As I take a deep breath I settle into a peaceful place where there is nothing but the sounds of nature and the quietness she brings. I notice a child like essence begin to flow out of me as I wonder what it would feel like to stomp my foot in the puddle as I did when I was younger.
As my mind begins to wonder to my list of chores Mother Nature once again sends a gentle reminder of thunder to move away from the list, to experience her beauty and further within. The birds begin to sing their song of praise and I can imagine in my mind’s eye how they are fluffing their feathers in the gentle rain as it cleanses their bodies.
As I bring my awareness to the sound of the rain drops on the roof, then on the deck, then on the leaves of the plants near by, I again notice this child like essence who wants to come out to play yet I mentally tell myself not to splash in that puddle. I play this mental game with myself with notions to splash or not to splash.
I begin to notice that I hear an entire orchestra playing, sounds of thunder and how it rolls through the sky, splashing sounds as the water hits the multitude of surfaces around me. I envision the rain cleaning and cleansing the air, removing the dust from the leaves and nurturing the earth in a way that is simply a wonder and hard to find words to create the vision I am in right now.
I am in awe of the creation of it all. I have been feeling a bit stuck lately in my creations and I wonder how I can be feeling that way when such beauty has been created right before me. I have no excuses, as I am the creator of everything I do. If Source can create such wonder for me to live in then I need not have excuses of my own creation.
Thank you mother earth for reminding me of how simple life really is and that no matter what we perceive to be happening that we can return to such simplicity at any given moment.
I give thanks to Mother Nature today, as she apparently knew I needed to go inward to where the real essence of whom I am resides. She once again has provided the opportunity to settle inward with the perfect mantra and sounds for my meditation and writings today.