How does Power work?
The last few years have really shown us how power works on a global scale. And it is really very simple. You inject fear into a society and then you tell them over and over exactly what the next step is. Isn’t that easy? Social power can be created in one...
Seeking the mystical
We are a culture of human beings who are bored with the current status quo. This makes us very vulnerable to addictions and our world is at a crisis point. When a society has limited itself so much there is a deep yearning to dig deeper into consciousness. This...
Boredom is a spiritual and consciousness crisis.
If you know me you know boredom has played a major role in my life. Life, for me, is so damn boring without shifts in consciousness. It is the aha moments and experiences that set me on fire. You may call it constant stimulation, but that isn’t true. Stimulation is...
Are you willing to stand by your inner knowing?
With so many false flags happening in our world, are you willing to stand by what you deeply know or are you jumping ship to join the others. I have come up to this wall before. At the start of 2020, when the virus was spread, I went out on a limb and stated that this...
Are you one of the 9 percent?
Can you believe that only 9% of people follow through with their New Year's goals and desires. If you took my Your Quantum Year course you know I pushed you to expand bigger, dream bigger, be bigger. When you expand more it is more probable that you would stick to...
Self Mastery
Trust is the new Normal! If you are not trusting yourself and your Intuition then this is your sign to start. Trusting who you are and what you are is prominent in 2023. Mastering your emotions, thoughts, actions and matching them to your desires is Self Mastery. Self...
Stirring a New Beginning
What happens when the world changes and we start the cycle of a new beginning. In humanities past this question has always been answered with…..destruction is what happens. But, I am here to tell you that this doesn’t have to be the pattern again this time. Even...
How to Quantum Shift into the New World
When we talk about quantum shifts what does it really mean? The body, mind and spirit have to work in unison when you are wanting to work in the quantum world. If you look at the definition of Quantum it means the smallest amount of energy. So, if we are thinking...
Here’s How to be Ready for the New World
We have been dreaming of a world with more equality, more authenticity, more peace, more receiving. Oh and this new earth is not in 5D……….what? It’s true the frequencies of 1D to 7D are just not gonna cut it. Actually, this has already been tried (think Atlantis) and...
I have been exploring…
This last weekend I went on a journey to see a person from the future. She was totally amazing and knew everything about herself. I was filled with questions for her……but the one answer she gave that stood out above the rest was this. She said in order for her to...
How do you enjoy life?
All we really want is to feel joy. Doesn’t this sum up life? As we enter into 2023, this time of year always brings us to feeling like we need to set some big goals that are filled with opportunities. The most important goal you need and should set this year is...
What is the purpose?
Why am I here? What am I supposed to do here? What’s my real purpose? All valid questions…..and the answers - or sometimes no answers - can be very frustrating. We have these beliefs that drill into us to succeed, make money, be spiritual…..the list is endless. But...