Let’s continue our discussion of Lack Mentality. When I dig even deeper, I notice a sort of diversion happening within me, almost like I want to back up and not move forward. I ask what else can money offer? I hear luxury, however, I do not see luxury, instead I see blank space. I wonder what it is that I need to release or expand into, to see luxury. I ask myself, what will it take to receive luxury – I hear a wide awakening!
I consider myself a fairly wide-open person! I ask, what is a wide awakening? I hear, a complete revamp of the system, a break down of beliefs. You have old thoughts and beliefs that you are not worthy of luxury. Now, this annoys me, yet I know it is true. I wanted to believe those old beliefs were released and taken care of years ago.
I ask, what do I need to do to release the remaining beliefs. I hear, go within! The usual comment!
So, I go within and I notice and see the old belief stemming from childhood where we were very poor and the belief said, “we were not worthy of luxury”.
I turn further inward and say I am not that young person anymore, so my belief should not remain in that state of being. I am very capable of manifesting everything and I am older now. If I want enough money to have a luxurious life, then I shall have it. I felt like I was demanding the belief to release me from its ugly claw.
The acknowledgment of knowing this belief was created when I was a little girl was enough to break down the belief. Sometimes we need a complete retraining of the mind, so I have created an affirmation to match the new belief and will state it until the mind does not know anything except the new belief.
Most lack beliefs were created when we were young and it is time release your lack beliefs to the time and space it occurred in. You are now in a different time and space and you should be creating new beliefs as you progress through time and space.
The further I dove into the belief the easier it was to dispel the belief and any power it held over me. I could understand that the lack of money/luxury was not my belief. It was a belief my parents had and I released that belief to that time and space, as I no longer have that belief. Beliefs are easy to change; you simply have to have the courage to dive into them and then to change them to match your current situation.

I really appreciate this changed focus. I could identify the same block regarding luxuries.
One question on your affirmation: instead of the ‘should’ word, is it vibrationally higher to say …and my beliefs align with those changes?
The word should triggers a reaction for me.
Yes Jeanette!! Use words that pull you up vibrationally and will align you with your desires. Great understanding of yourself!!
Thank you for sharing. I was just going through the same question the last few days. I realize it is a belief my grandmother had and mother and myself. I lied in bed this morning not able to go back to sleep and said time for this lack of money belief to change. Time also to change the belief I have to work extra days in order to make more money. Your timing is perfect to get this e-mail. I let go of my limited beliefs about money. I realized also I grew up in survival so that plays a big role in this too. Lack of money keep me in survival mode which was the norm for me since I was born. That I can feel is a huge part of lack of many things. So the work continues. Have a wonderful week.
Hugs Pamella