How does one stop these craving?

How does one stop these craving?


I am at the point in my life where a job is not fulfilling, creating a business involves a ton of marketing, many hours spent working endlessly towards a perceived idea of success and to accumulate money.  I sit in a small 10 X 10 room I call my office, this is where all the magic happens, creative workshops, mastermind thoughts, podcasts and meditations for others.

Yet, today and most days I crave for something more, something that involves deep experiences of growth and evolutionary downloads that will change the face of humanity.  It is this yearning that keeps me alive.

Today, like most days are spent trying to talk myself into greatness.  Hell, I have post it note after post it notes filled with inspiration, love quotes and motivation, all of which I would rather not read today, yet I read through them looking for the magic pill to take away these deep cravings for more.  Today, it dawned on me what my real craving is….to create life with people who desire the same experiences that I do.  To create life with deep emotions, deep expansion into the unknown and unseen.  Deep conversations that leave me wondering about everything and fill me up at the same time.

I know on a conscious level that I deserve, desire and try to create this everyday….yet the yearning for more never ends.  I constantly ask, Why?  Why do I yearn for more?  Why am I so inquisitive?  Why can’t I just be happy?  Yet, every cell in my body is screaming for something I just can’t fulfill.  I long for such pure conscious love that I ache with the thought of what that would be like, the vision of it sets me on fire and scares the heck out of me at the same time.

Every thought that runs rampant in my mind says you have everything you need and more….yet I ask what about desire.  Is it selfish to desire something different?  Is it outside the experience of this lifetime to desire everything this world has to offer and more?

Daily I ask, What is it I desire?  Who do I desire to be?  I see so many people sharing their strategies of how to be successful, how to break the boundaries of their thoughts, their emotions, their beliefs…..I even teach others to do the same.  Yet, today I am vulnerable to my own yearnings and desires.

My yearnings are so persistent and strong that sometimes I feel that my desire will swallow me up one day, never to be seen again within my own self.  Today seems to be one of those days where the tears stream down my face with no option of stopping.  No matter how I try to distract myself, I continue to feel the gentle tug of what else is possible to explore.  I also know that these kinds of days generally mean there is a breakthrough of some kind about to happen, yet, these days are hard on my psyche, on my emotions and on my confidence.

I want to create a life of amazing experiences with others, I want to create partnerships with people where competition does not exist.  I want to live everyday with so much expansion that when I lay my head down at night I am exhausted in all the accomplishments of the day.  I want to have such deep conversations about everything that I run out of questions to ask.

What I yearn for has nothing to do with material objects, they have everything to do with relationships of love…. deep, deep love.  I know at some level of this experience today I am tapping into a consciousness that exists within our human race and I know that some of you can relate and have similar yearnings.  So, my quest continues, how can we create this amazing life we dream of?

As a wise old soul once told me, we are not islands, we create consciousness together.  I am tired of the same old thing, I am tired of competition, I am tired of religion, politics, hate crimes, discrimination, material possession….the list goes on forever.  I am tired!

Again, I ask.  How can we create a life so full that we have no desires, no yearnings…. just bliss?  The answer comes in a form of a vision, simple be a magnet and allow spirit to come to you.  This way of being is in the current programming, yet I understand its function and dynamics.  My new craving is to be this magnet, to stop thinking and working so hard that I literally stop the flow.

The new form of question is to “Show me” – show me how to be the magnet and to relax within the new way of being.

AUTHOR:  Angela Blaha, Author, Mentor, Lover of Evolution.

How does one stop these craving?

Why I bought into the belief of not being worthy


As I sat in church at a family funeral I wished I could change the words that I heard coming from the Priest’s mouth.

I’m not here to say the priest was wrong, after all he is simply repeating what he has been taught to say.

I wish I had distracted myself during the sermon so I would not have been reminded of how unworthy I am. I had been taught for many years to believe that I was not worthy, that I was a sinner who is unworthy of God’s love or other people’s love not to mention my own love. During some portion of the ceremony I heard this statement: “Even though we are unworthy to have you in our house God”…..Really?

At that moment I was grossly reminded of why I find myself feeling not worthy of my abilities to see, hear, smell and feel across the veil to the unseen. In that moment I witnessed myself in a totally different light. I became the witness of who I am with the understanding that I used to believe in that statement, in those words, that programming. That I was not worthy of God, even though in the next sentence I heard, we are to be like God. Such controversy, no wonder I have found myself stuck in my belief about who I am or why I am here?

This sort of tactic, creating such duality in the thinking which leads to beliefs about who we are as human beings keeps us in separation of what our soul knows as the truth. This is totally opposite of what I teach which is to know and understand that we are God, we are individuals within the oneness and that we are worthy of the grace, love and bliss of all that is.

It was again heart wrenching for me to sit in that pew and to be so cruelly reminded of the time when I bought into the belief of unworthiness. The mind programming week after week still remains in my cell memory as I witnessed the mind wanting to go back to that time when I viewed myself as unworthy of life, yet my soul stopped the memory. I found myself appalled by the words that drove home the essence of believing in such separation from own soul/spirit.

It has been awhile since my return from Peru and I was gently reminded upon my return that I was still playing at the edge of separation and today, during this church service I was again reminded of how easy it is to play on the edge of separation as the programming remains in cell memory. I thought about how I could stop playing on the edge, stop the belief patterns that hold me back from ascension. I began repeating to myself, no judgment only love. I repeated this mantra over and over.

Being aware when I am on the edge playing with the nonsense of not feeling worthy of pure love is the first, second and third step to overcoming, clearing and creating new beliefs. The fourth step is to believe that I am worthy of pure love/God. The final step is to BE pure love no matter what words are used to remind me of times past. Yet I question what the meaning of being really is? As days pasted from this experience I played with the idea of being – what could this possibly look like. I came to the conclusion that being has everything to do with receiving. I give love away, yet I am not very good at receiving. This is where the exploration begins.

For more information, check out my book, How to Remember Your Power Through Self-Love & Forgiveness.


I witnessed the transformation of a sister!

I witnessed the transformation of a sister!


The feeling you get when someone transforms right before your eyes!

This week I witnessed a transformation of a soul friend. When I first met Terrie, she seemed shy yet very inquisitive, she wanted to know everything. I admired her will and perseverance to become a sponge of wisdom, there was something special about her and at my first glance of her energy I knew I would witness something amazing in her one day.

She sparkled from head to toe and every time I saw her I could see slight changes of opening in her heart and understanding of wisdom. She fell in love with Angels and still accesses them in her practice today. She followed nearly every word I spoke with her about, she was devoted to become the person she knew she was inside. Like a thousand petal lotus, one petal at a time she began to blossom.

In January she attended Reiki I & II, for Terrie it seemed this was the break through she was seeking. It wasn’t just the Reiki training that gave her confidence, it seemed to open up a new way of being, seeing, knowing for her. When we spoke this last week I could hear the confidence in her voice. She only asked clarifying questions as she already stood in her power of knowing. She was amazing and I repeated the confirmations of how her energy was strong and so confident, she had taken back her power she had given up.

She chose words that clarified her understanding, this was the thousand petal lotus I knew I would witness one day. I am so thrilled for her and how she has done the work to become who she wants to be, creating every step as she walks her path.

Her practice consists of meditation, invoking Archangels, using Reiki and grounding in her daily life. She even prides herself in being a tree hugger, especially if the energies seem overwhelming. The trees now talk to her and she hears their vibration as they sway in the wind. An example of another step in her evolution of consciousness.

Terrie started with simply asking and trusting everything. Allowing the busy mind to take a step back and to allow the soul to flourish.  As her innate abilities continue to come alive she is forever grateful for following through with her wants, needs and desires. She is an amazing being of life, serving and healing every moment of everyday.

I want to share Terrie’s story with you as an indication of triumph. Proof that everyone has infinite possibilities and when you allow the soul to lead, life takes form and creation is discovered. Thank you Terrie for sharing your world! Namaste!

If you would like to share your transformation story, please post them in the comments box below.

An Open Letter to Millennials

An Open Letter to Millennials


The World is Waiting 

My intention for this open letter is to empower you, to activate your true purpose and to set fire to your passion of who you are.

I recently read a facebook post by Ankush Bahuguna called, Why Modern Relationships are falling Apart so Easily Today. In this article Ankush said, “We’re not prepared.” I totally agree!

You are not prepared because you do not understand who you are. I have to ask the question, Do you know who you are and why you came to this beautiful earth to be? You are the change makers!

You are the generation of beings here to break down old beliefs about love. You are the generation to break down the old belief systems that tell you you are not enough. You are the ones to crumble the patterns of addictions that cover up the depth of each experience you have.  You are the ones to break wide open the barriers that keep truth hidden.

You are right Ankush, you are not prepared because there is not a manual that explain to you how to stand in the power of your truth. There is only wisdom. A wisdom that is not found in coffee shops, or in a movie theatre. This wisdom is not found in the conveniences of life. Nor is it instant. What you do understand are distractions, you have bright shiny object syndrome, chasing after everything that catches your senses.

Love cannot be found outside of yourself. So, stop looking for it. You have everything you need inside of your being. People are not perfect, we live in a duality world which provides enormous opportunity to see everything. Which, when we see everything we see that everything is also perfect. Take your blinders off, you do not live under the same paradigm of illusion that older generations lived by. It is time to rise up to the challenge of creating a loving world for future generations, which is the real purpose you are here.

You are not scared or afraid or fearful. Rather, there are times when you do not understand the emotions you feel, or the thoughts that run through you like wild fire. Fear is only a symptom of the emotions that you do not have working definitions of, because you are the ones to create new definitions. If you are scared to commit, ask yourself what your really scared of? Could it be you do not understand the emotion of being vulnerable, because you do not have a working definition of what it truly means. And if you are vulnerable will you be hurt by love so deep that it overwhelms your entire body, your thoughts, your actions and changes you forever.

Could it be that you truly fear the vastness of your love and if you were to actually release it, you know the world will never be the same again? You need to understand the words you use. You are afraid and confused because you are not standing in, nor do you understand the power of your love. You are changing the definition of what love means, a love so powerful that it only seeks truth, yet you fear of finding the truth.

Why are you so guarded? Ask yourself, “Who am I?” and allow yourself to go so deep inside you that you find the unique aspect of who you really are and bring that aspect to the world. There is truth in what you tell yourself, so pay attention to the words you use to describe yourself. Words carry vibration and that vibration either matches your souls energy or it depletes your energy. You choose which you want.

Experience your emotions and understand them. Create working definitions of your emotions. Do you even know what emotion you experience? Fear and anger are only symptoms of the emotions that lie underneath them, seek the truth of how you feel. Define your emotions, your thoughts, your actions. Live with integrity and do not be afraid of who you are!

It is time to reach into the depths of your consciousness, to experience the beauty in every aspect of love in this dual world. Remove the illusion of how deep you are, how strong you are. Step out from behind your walls and let your love and your passions change this world.

Find your unique aspect and let it surface. Stand in the power of your consciousness, which only seeks truth and allow everyone to witness YOU! The world is waiting for you!

I am Angela Blaha, a change agent of souls.  As a channel of light beings called The Mothers we are passionate about speaking truth as we know it.  We extend our gratitude to all who seek the perfected state of consciousness, the natural condition of the soul, pure love.