Play date

Play date


It begins to rain as I sit to write this blog. Some hate rainy days; I love rainy, cloudy days as they have a tendency to make me go inward. Something I need to do right now as this creation time for me is slipping away with no real creation at hand.

As I sit with my eyes closed, I can sense the flashes of the lightening. I know the thunder will start soon and right on queue it shakes the earth with its mighty boom. The sound of thunder continues to roll through, like a mantra it encourages me to go deeper. Enticing me to spend time with my soul and to feel the wonder of the earth and all of her beauty. As the raindrops begin to fall, I hear the splashing pings on my roof, the flashes of light and thunder continue. As I take a deep breath I settle into a peaceful place where there is nothing but the sounds of nature and the quietness she brings. I notice a child like essence begin to flow out of me as I wonder what it would feel like to stomp my foot in the puddle as I did when I was younger.

As my mind begins to wonder to my list of chores Mother Nature once again sends a gentle reminder of thunder to move away from the list, to experience her beauty and further within. The birds begin to sing their song of praise and I can imagine in my mind’s eye how they are fluffing their feathers in the gentle rain as it cleanses their bodies.

As I bring my awareness to the sound of the rain drops on the roof, then on the deck, then on the leaves of the plants near by, I again notice this child like essence who wants to come out to play yet I mentally tell myself not to splash in that puddle. I play this mental game with myself with notions to splash or not to splash.

I begin to notice that I hear an entire orchestra playing, sounds of thunder and how it rolls through the sky, splashing sounds as the water hits the multitude of surfaces around me. I envision the rain cleaning and cleansing the air, removing the dust from the leaves and nurturing the earth in a way that is simply a wonder and hard to find words to create the vision I am in right now.

I am in awe of the creation of it all. I have been feeling a bit stuck lately in my creations and I wonder how I can be feeling that way when such beauty has been created right before me. I have no excuses, as I am the creator of everything I do. If Source can create such wonder for me to live in then I need not have excuses of my own creation.

Thank you mother earth for reminding me of how simple life really is and that no matter what we perceive to be happening that we can return to such simplicity at any given moment.

I give thanks to Mother Nature today, as she apparently knew I needed to go inward to where the real essence of whom I am resides. She once again has provided the opportunity to settle inward with the perfect mantra and sounds for my meditation and writings today.

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Childhood Memories


November 9, 2013 by Angela

I have often wondered why I cannot remember much of my childhood and it has come up recently again, by spirit. I grew up in a pretty dysfunctional home and I have often wondered why I do not remember or carry the emotional scares that many of my family. I have a psychology background and usually just associate it to my understanding of how emotions relate and are created by ones perspective. I truly believe that if you change your perspective you not only change your emotions, but also your life.

Recently it has come to my attention again that I do not have many memories before age 12-14. In the past, I usually acknowledged the thought of not knowing and then simply set the thought free, this time seemed to be different. There was an importance about it, and spirit would not allow me to set it free.

I went to a friend of mine who is practicing to become an EFT practitioner and asked if we could dig deeper into this issue. And we did!

As I begin tapping, no memories come through, then there are a few glimpses, mostly glimpse of memories from looking at picture that have been taken, but nothing significant. Then I ask, “where was I”? If I wasn’t there (in my childhood) then where was I? Much to my amazement the answer was, you weren’t really there. What? What does that mean? To make a long story short what we discovered was that I was being protected by spirits and angels and did not have the reality of what was going on most of the time. Spirit had set everything up so beautifully for me.

You see my life purpose is to be a cycle breaker, I knew that all my life. I was born into my family to break the cycle of addiction. And spirit had protected me so that I could become the annoying pain that I was in my teens and early 20’s so that I could do just that, be a cycle breaker. I was sort of a rebel with people back then, not being very polite when it came to convincing people to stop their crazy addictive lives, but for the most part it worked. Never really worked for my father, but there are several family members who are sober to this day.

What I took away from this knowledge and lesson is that we all have this divine right to be loved and protected from spirit. That was probably the most difficult emotion to acknowledge was this sense of overwhelming love and protection.   My thinking led me to, “who am I to be privileged to this kind of protection?” I am not worthy of this, only really spiritual people are worthy of being protected. When you grow up in a dysfunctional home praise and unconditional love is not high on the priority list. I grew up with a sense of not being worthy, of not having open lines of communication and being loved was often questionable. All I really know right now is that we all need to step into our divine right and that we are all worthy of spirits divine love.

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Let me be Honest!


Recently I heard this statement as part of a speech on separation, the author of the speech then lead into the fact that when we are honest with ourselves or someone else there is a sense of intimacy. As I listened, the whole theory of being honest and how it creates such an intimate relationship with yourself and with others really intrigued me.

As I began to contemplate and to feel how honest I really am with myself, I began to realize how honesty is a form of liberation. When we hold in our honesty we sort of abuse ourselves and punish who we are. I know that I create these sort of schemes as to cover up my honesty; as if it is too hard to acknowledge. How many times are we honest with ourselves? When we are afraid, do we say, “I am afraid!” or do we make excuses?

If I am afraid of the dark, what is it really that I am afraid of?   Is it the sense of not being able to see the light? Is it the fact that I cannot see past my own body and that there could be something else out there who is just as afraid as I am?

Honesty is a hard concept for my mind to wrap around. It means I have to admit to myself all my weakness, which isn’t that difficult, but it also means I have to admit my strengths. For me, admitting my strengths is much more difficult than admitting my weaknesses. Why? Because I may have to live up to my potential; to shine my light as bright as I possibly can. Am I being honest with how bright I want to shine my light? If I really want to shine my light will I find myself playing on a totally different playground? This will, of course, bring about an unfamiliarity, arising out of crevasse will be some fear, then forcing me to look at my perception and my willingness to arise to brightness. Ugh….this honesty thing is complicated.

If I am totally honest about my strengths what will I discover about myself? It is easy to be in the density of weaknesses, I can totally be lazy and my light shines, but meagerly. I ask myself, “Am I OK with a meager light?” While there is a large part of me who desires this dense, lazy, dimly lit bulb of dishonesty, at the same time I want to be totally honest with “who” I am.

I know that I need to be honest because I expect others to give me their authentic, honest self. The mystery of being honest is the illusion of knowing the truth of it, when all of our truths are individualized. I know we are here to celebrate this life rooted in honesty; it has been an illusion in the past, but now is the time to live it. After all, separation within myself is created in the disillusion of my own weakness.

When I am honest I know I am living in unity consciousness, the one mind, because when I am honest, you are honest. Lets shine as we have never shined before by living our life in all of its honesty as we have never lived before. Simply speaking my truth.

What are thoughts?



When I talk about life lessons they seems so burdensome and people look at me weird. Why do we place such anticipation and worth on the fact that this world, earth, is a classroom and we get to learn things about our interactions, this place, and ourselves all the time. Why do some of us fret, worry and just plain freak out when we are amidst a life lesson, myself included. Every action, every thought, every word is a lesson and a huge opportunity to learn and teach.

I see life lessons as an opportunity to expand. By expansion I mean an expansion of who I am. Life lessons are gifts, opportunities to grow physically, psychically, spiritually and emotionally. Even in the roughest portion of a lesson, I still see it as such an expansion of the original me that I almost welcome the hard part.

I know some life lessons can be very painful. Some carry excruciating physical and/or emotional pain. When I get past the pain there is an understanding, a sense of accomplishment, a new sense of knowing that comes with the lesson that no one can ever take from me.

There are many types of life lessons and no one lesson is the same for any two people. We are all individuals and we all have the gift of free will to choose, so every lesson will look differently. Lessons are individualized!

There are some tools that can help us work through the lesson but just know and acknowledge that the outcome of using these tools may look very different for you than it does for me.

Communication is a very common problem I see in my practice. Communication is very expansive because we each communicate in such unique ways. For me, when I am aware of a communication lesson it is an opportunity for me to expand not only in my voice or words, but also in my body language and in my thinking patterns. Communication is a tool that can provoke all kinds of emotions and ultimately in how I love another person. If I am wiling to expand my communication to match theirs, it does not mean that I have to change my vocabulary or create some new way of being. It does mean that I am willing to meet them where they are, expanding them and myself.

For example, my husband’s communication style is very logical, practical and he does not talk very much. Our communication style can be very difficult for me. Maybe a more useful style of communication would be more touch oriented, or just being present by being in the same room, or maybe we don’t need to talk. Any of these styles can be overwhelming for someone who needs to speak. We are totally responsible for our actions, thoughts and words. So if I find myself in a conversation and all I am experiencing is frustration, it is up to me to change my communication.

So I guess what I’m trying to say is this, don’t be afraid to communicate, if yelling isn’t working, try something else. If communication is becoming a barrier in your relationships, then try something new. Change begins with me, not someone else!

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Off the Grid


Do you ever feel like you are just off the grid of life?  That’s the way I am feeling lately.  I guess I could blame it on Mercury or the new moon, but it would be just someplace to lay my blame.  When I am in the flow, there is a certain connection with God/Spirit/Soul and a certain connection with people, whether they are family, friends or enemies.  Lately, I have not felt that connection and it leaves me feeling a bit on the lonely side.  Not really a feeling I enjoy!

The last week or so I have just felt so disconnected not only with other humans but with my soul as well.  Not being connected to my soul is much more disturbing to me than not feeling connected with other human’s.  I have been working on seeing the universe as an illusion and reading all the time about how everything is not how we visually see it with our eyes.  I have been practicing the new thought system and I can tell that I have been changing which would make sense as to the disconnecting feeling.

As I am writing this I am asking myself how do I get the connection back.  This is what I am hearing from my soul.

Relax ~ time is simply an illusion as well.  There is no need to rush things or to think that time is rushing by or there are so many things to do.  You have many lifetimes still available to follow yours souls path.  (I chuckle at this because I have been feeling like I need to rush)

Do what you know ~ Do your practices each and every day.  It seems that practices are conditional, like when I want an answer for something or am searching for a direction.  Regular meditation, prayer and gratitude practices should be done everyday, no excuses.  Oohhh…..and don’t expect anything!  Because when you least expect something, it always shows up.

Trust ~ trust that if you are feeling disconnected, there is a very good reason for the disconnect.  You will get back on board soon enough.  Simply trust in the process, yourself, and God.  Everything is in divine timing.

So, with that being said.   I guess I am to be disconnected for a bit, so that my thinking system may catch up with what is my journey.  All the while I will continue to ask if anything needs to be healed, just in case there is something I can do to speed the process up a little.

So the next time your feeling off the grid, just know that we all go through this feeling.  Give yourself some time, do your practices and trust that the feeling of connectedness will soon be back.

Love & Light to all.  Angie