by Angela Blaha | Apr 23, 2019 | Coaching, Spiritual |
Keep reading to learn how to use information gathered from remembering past lives!
A couple of years ago my entire goal was to obtain full remembrance. I wanted to remember everything about who I am, about how did separation ever become a reality, what the truth is about humanity….the list was endless.
That year, I went to Peru for the first time and it was apparent Peru knew about my quest. For the entire 14 days I was there, I remembered more about my past lives than any past life regression I ever had. I remembered exactly the moment where separation took place, where the first human killing was and all the gruesome detail. I remembered how the belief systems took people over by imprinting into DNA, taking our creativity and our ability to remember who we really are.
In that one single trip, all my dreams came true.
My greatest learning from that experience was remembering my Mother who told me to be careful of what I ask for because it will come true….It was hard difficult leaving Peru knowing what I uncovered through my cell memory. I had no idea what to do with all the information I had.
I learned many things about remembering during that trip but what I found to be most powerful is that those same belief systems that were put into place at separation are still imprinted into our DNA, in our cells, in all of our particles and not just in our physical bodies but in our mental and emotional bodies too. Even though we are on this quest to shift the consciousness of humanity we cannot deny just how important the belief systems are in accessing any and all past life information.
All the information you believe is unobtainable without hypnosis, guides, angels, psychics, or anyone else outside of you is the same belief that keeps you separated. The information you so desperately believe you want is within you – in your DNA, in your cells, in your thoughts, in our emotions….
As a hypnotherapist who used to use past life regressions in my work with others, I can tell you that it is very simple to tap into your past lives yourself. I now teach people how to do it without any special tools, manipulative factors or other people. You can think of this as an evolving process, first, you must request the information you seek and become very clear with what it is you are seeking. Then, notice your emotions, the emotions will lead you to the beliefs that stop you from accessing all your past life information. From there, you must release the beliefs. Once you have mastered this, you will have access to all your past life info is at your fingertips.
You must look deep within yourself to make sure you are ready to remember the information and know that with great wisdom comes great responsibility. To remember means that you bring the information into pure awareness so that you can use the wisdom of that memory in your current life rather than holding onto the trauma of the memory.
When you apply past life wisdom to your current life, you heal your DNA which releases you from the past so you can create your future free of any limitations, suffering or fear.
by Angela Blaha | May 7, 2016 | Coaching, Communication, Emotions, energy, Intuition, Love, Meditation, Positive Psychology, Soul, Spiritual, starseed |
Let’s continue our discussion of Lack Mentality. When I dig even deeper, I notice a sort of diversion happening within me, almost like I want to back up and not move forward. I ask what else can money offer? I hear luxury, however, I do not see luxury, instead I see blank space. I wonder what it is that I need to release or expand into, to see luxury. I ask myself, what will it take to receive luxury – I hear a wide awakening!
I consider myself a fairly wide-open person! I ask, what is a wide awakening? I hear, a complete revamp of the system, a break down of beliefs. You have old thoughts and beliefs that you are not worthy of luxury. Now, this annoys me, yet I know it is true. I wanted to believe those old beliefs were released and taken care of years ago.
I ask, what do I need to do to release the remaining beliefs. I hear, go within! The usual comment!
So, I go within and I notice and see the old belief stemming from childhood where we were very poor and the belief said, “we were not worthy of luxury”.
I turn further inward and say I am not that young person anymore, so my belief should not remain in that state of being. I am very capable of manifesting everything and I am older now. If I want enough money to have a luxurious life, then I shall have it. I felt like I was demanding the belief to release me from its ugly claw.
The acknowledgment of knowing this belief was created when I was a little girl was enough to break down the belief. Sometimes we need a complete retraining of the mind, so I have created an affirmation to match the new belief and will state it until the mind does not know anything except the new belief.
Most lack beliefs were created when we were young and it is time release your lack beliefs to the time and space it occurred in. You are now in a different time and space and you should be creating new beliefs as you progress through time and space.
The further I dove into the belief the easier it was to dispel the belief and any power it held over me. I could understand that the lack of money/luxury was not my belief. It was a belief my parents had and I released that belief to that time and space, as I no longer have that belief. Beliefs are easy to change; you simply have to have the courage to dive into them and then to change them to match your current situation.
by Angela Blaha | Mar 1, 2016 | Coaching, Emotions, Intuition, Meditation, Soul, Spiritual, Wellness |
A Semi-silent Meditation Retreat
I remember the first day I went into silence, it feels like it was yesterday. I was filled with anticipation of going deep within, to experience silence like I had never experienced it before. I was a bit nervous to go so deep within myself, that I actually made myself sick a few days before I was scheduled to leave for the event.
I was a ball of emotions, none of which I could identify with. It was as if they were new emotions, or old emotions that had a new layer to them. I rarely get nervous, but I have to admit I was nervous about the silence. Like you, I live in a very loud and noisy world.
The nervousness continued upon arrival, as I was entering a place with new faces, not knowing any of the other people attending this silent event. The thing I thought would be a saving paradigm was that we would be silent, so there was no room for small talk or getting to know people. Just silence!
Much to my surprise there was some sort of underlying knowingness with the other participants, like we had known each other for years. There was no room for small talk as there was deep and expansive conversation to experience. We all seemed to be on the same path to enlightenment or at least to understand ourselves better and the reasons we exist.
What I learned from this experience was that I yearned for the silence, silent meditations are now a regular part of my daily life. I yearn for the moments of silence so I can explore an even deeper level of who I am. My first experience was mind blowing to say the least.
This experience was life changing and with every change comes new opportunity to open up to my path, my journey and my truth. I hope you join me for an experiential experience into the ultra depths of YOU.
You can find more information by clicking here: Going Deep
by Angela Blaha | Aug 3, 2015 |