by Angela Blaha | Feb 21, 2016 | Coaching, Communication, Emotions, energy, Intuition, Spiritual
What is the frequency of seperation?
The last few days have been extra pleasant, as the energy of the universe has blanketed us with an energetic addition to the layer of the grid systems.
What I mean by that is this: during the last few days I have witnessed the layers of dimension that have come into my awareness and the intention of each of the frequencies or vibrations they hold. I also witness what my intent is with the frequencies or vibrations and how I have aligned with them.
What the frequency of separation or third dimensional energy has taught me is that we come to earth knowing that we will forget. We come knowing as a soul that everything we have experienced prior to choosing to come to earth will be erased from our memory bank so that we may again choose what we want to experience. We come to earth knowing that we will experience our belief patterns, our thought patterns, we will be programmed and we will feel our emotions or lack of all of them. This is the intent of the energy, frequency or vibration of third dimensional energy. The intent of third dimensional frequency is not bad or wrong, rather it is an experience to explore and to experience.
Third dimensional frequency or vibration is an experience in understanding of ourselves. It teaches us how we choose to experience our thoughts, emotions, feelings, actions. How we understand the body, our mental processes, our emotions and how to integrate the soul into this frequency.
I also learned that if I choose to leave the third dimensional vibration of the body, mind and soul, then I need to expand into something else. Maybe I choose fifth dimensional frequency or sixth or beyond. The choices are infinite are always mine. Since my quest of full remembrance has been a process I am choosing to explore this frequency. My first step in this process is awareness.
I know at some intrinsic level of wisdom that remembering is available and I do not waver in this theory. How to match my vibration to this knowing is what I am expanding into and it seems to come in layers. It seems I need to experience many frequencies along the way. It is a fun adventure as I have explored many different vibrations within the last week. I have not made logical sense of all of them yet, but I am sure that will come with time.
In the mean while, enjoy the energy!
If you are yearning to explore your own vibration more, I have a series of modules where we explore our chakra system, how to clear, heal and expand into our energy system. We are on our second week, if you cannot attend the weekly webinars, everything is recorded and sent to your inbox. As an extra bonus you will receive a free hour reading with me. Click here for more information!
by Angela Blaha | Feb 13, 2016 | Coaching, Emotions, Love, Spiritual |
The World is Waiting
My intention for this open letter is to empower you, to activate your true purpose and to set fire to your passion of who you are.
I recently read a facebook post by Ankush Bahuguna called, Why Modern Relationships are falling Apart so Easily Today. In this article Ankush said, “We’re not prepared.” I totally agree!
You are not prepared because you do not understand who you are. I have to ask the question, Do you know who you are and why you came to this beautiful earth to be? You are the change makers!
You are the generation of beings here to break down old beliefs about love. You are the generation to break down the old belief systems that tell you you are not enough. You are the ones to crumble the patterns of addictions that cover up the depth of each experience you have. You are the ones to break wide open the barriers that keep truth hidden.
You are right Ankush, you are not prepared because there is not a manual that explain to you how to stand in the power of your truth. There is only wisdom. A wisdom that is not found in coffee shops, or in a movie theatre. This wisdom is not found in the conveniences of life. Nor is it instant. What you do understand are distractions, you have bright shiny object syndrome, chasing after everything that catches your senses.
Love cannot be found outside of yourself. So, stop looking for it. You have everything you need inside of your being. People are not perfect, we live in a duality world which provides enormous opportunity to see everything. Which, when we see everything we see that everything is also perfect. Take your blinders off, you do not live under the same paradigm of illusion that older generations lived by. It is time to rise up to the challenge of creating a loving world for future generations, which is the real purpose you are here.
You are not scared or afraid or fearful. Rather, there are times when you do not understand the emotions you feel, or the thoughts that run through you like wild fire. Fear is only a symptom of the emotions that you do not have working definitions of, because you are the ones to create new definitions. If you are scared to commit, ask yourself what your really scared of? Could it be you do not understand the emotion of being vulnerable, because you do not have a working definition of what it truly means. And if you are vulnerable will you be hurt by love so deep that it overwhelms your entire body, your thoughts, your actions and changes you forever.
Could it be that you truly fear the vastness of your love and if you were to actually release it, you know the world will never be the same again? You need to understand the words you use. You are afraid and confused because you are not standing in, nor do you understand the power of your love. You are changing the definition of what love means, a love so powerful that it only seeks truth, yet you fear of finding the truth.
Why are you so guarded? Ask yourself, “Who am I?” and allow yourself to go so deep inside you that you find the unique aspect of who you really are and bring that aspect to the world. There is truth in what you tell yourself, so pay attention to the words you use to describe yourself. Words carry vibration and that vibration either matches your souls energy or it depletes your energy. You choose which you want.
Experience your emotions and understand them. Create working definitions of your emotions. Do you even know what emotion you experience? Fear and anger are only symptoms of the emotions that lie underneath them, seek the truth of how you feel. Define your emotions, your thoughts, your actions. Live with integrity and do not be afraid of who you are!
It is time to reach into the depths of your consciousness, to experience the beauty in every aspect of love in this dual world. Remove the illusion of how deep you are, how strong you are. Step out from behind your walls and let your love and your passions change this world.
Find your unique aspect and let it surface. Stand in the power of your consciousness, which only seeks truth and allow everyone to witness YOU! The world is waiting for you!
I am Angela Blaha, a change agent of souls. As a channel of light beings called The Mothers we are passionate about speaking truth as we know it. We extend our gratitude to all who seek the perfected state of consciousness, the natural condition of the soul, pure love.
by Angela Blaha | Jan 3, 2016 | Coaching, Communication, Emotions, energy, Meditation, Positive Psychology, Soul, Spiritual, starseed, Wellness
3 Steps to Function at Maximum Capacity in 2016?
Welcome to 2016!
What an amazing year this will be. What will it take to create the life you deserve, no more desiring, it is time to take action. What action will you be taking?
Stop giving up your power to the world, it is time to take your power back. Are you tired of being tired?
I hope you are tired, because it is time to be visible!
Step1: Being Visible may mean being vulnerable. Being vulnerable is not a negative emotion or feeling, it is very powerful. Being vulnerable is very powerful because it makes you take new action steps to create a new way of being.
I hope your tired, because it is time to be brave!
Step 2: Being brave means going deep within yourself. It is time to stop looking outside of your self for answers, rather it is time to go within. You hold all the answers and those answers are found within your own vibrational intelligence. Take back your power that you have given up over the years. Go Deep within your own self!
I hope your tired, because it is time to feel united!
Step 3: When we feel connected there is an inner sense of peace. Being connected with our own vibration and the vibration of the universe is very calming because there is a sense of knowing that we are here for a much greater purpose. This greater purpose cannot be felt without being innately connected with everything.
It is time to move into being the multi-dimensional being you came to earth to be. This year is a powerful year, if you use the energy as I described in last weeks blog to your advantage it will be simple to function at maximum capacity.
by Angela Blaha | Dec 27, 2015 | Spiritual, Uncategorized
What is Your New Year Vision?
This is the time of year that I begin to set all those goals, dreaming big and creating wish upon wish.
I have created vision boards, aligned all my calendars so everything is in place, organized my office and cleaned out some closets.
I did not forget a single thing, I even added the perfect colors to the bedrooms, living spaces and added some copper outside to stop a fault line from allowing unwanted energy to my space.
I have set intention after intention…….now what?
Do you set goals for the new year? I want to hear from you here, how do you do it? What do you do after you have created your vision board, or calendars?
So often after we have created our wants, needs and desires, we forget about the action pieces that have to follow. The piece of manifesting that we most often forget, the most important piece of “The Secret” that they forgot to tell you is based in the action pieces.
The Universe will deliver every single thing you wish for, but you have to be willing to take the action step to make it manifest. Just having amazing ideas is only the beginning, there has to a creation stage, what action will allow the idea to come into the 3-D. Can you imagine what our world would be like if Einstein kept all of his amazing ideas in his head, without trying time and time again to get the light bulb to work.
We may see Einstein’s multiple attempts as failure,and proclaim not to attempt anything because of your fear of failure. I encourage you to view the attempts not as failure, rather look at the genius ideas and then take the action to create it. We do not get anywhere in this world without attempts to expand and grow.
If you need help with your expansion process in the new year, I have many expansive ideas with practical tips to achieve every want, need and desire you can create. Watch the events tab to find out when these opportunities will be coming.
by Angela Blaha | Dec 18, 2015 | Coaching, Communication, Emotions, energy, Soul, Spiritual, starseed
Feeling the Force!
Last week I talked about the energy of 2016 and how powerful it going to be. Well, it is already here.
Can you feel it? It is strong, pushing energy for me, determined to make things happen.
This week alone, all types of things are manifesting with such ease, opportunities I did not even think would be possible. So, this news letter is about using the energy in your favor.
When something comes into your awareness, stop for a moment and allow it to show you what the possibilities are. About one week ago, I received an e-mail asking if I would be a host on a popular radio show. I did not go out looking for this opportunity, rather they found me through this blog. I explored the idea and I am now a Radio Show host on VoiceAmerica and my show begins on March 8, 2016.
Do not be afraid to follow up on such opportunities when they present themselves. Their is synchronicity in why these things show up and it is your responsibility to explore them. Always use your innate power to clearly understand the benefits and the non-benefits, and make choices according to what is in your higher good for who you are.
This energy is making it simple to manifest everything you have thought about, so watch your thoughts. They are powerful!
Taking action with the power of the energy is vital and very simple. 2016 is a very powerful, energy filled year and taking action seems very simple. My simplest of thoughts, emotions and words come to fruition with very little contemplation of the end result. Rather, the end result already seems to be built into the awareness, so little, if any process of how to make it all come together is needed. Some may find this very upsetting, especially if you are used to planning every single detail out, it seems that the details are already built into the initial thought, emotion or word.
It seems very easy to just flow with what life presents. Discarding the old thoughts, old emotions, old belief systems seems quite easy to do. So if this is on your wish list, pay attention to how easy it is to clear up some energy that has been hanging on for awhile. Do not get stuck in the process. We tend to over think most things in life, this is part of the new human being, being able to flow with what we want, need and desire.
Yes, the new process may take a little getting used to, but I for one am totally enjoying it!