Are you feeling the deprivation of feminine energy?

Are you feeling the deprivation of feminine energy?

I know this feminine wounded woman……I have been her for so long. There are many of us who feel so deprived. We have been surviving in the masculine energy and not thriving in our Goddess self. It’s been a lonely world trying to survive. I remember being in high school...

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Are you feeling the excess of masculine energy?

Are you feeling the excess of masculine energy?

We have created a world based on doing, building, strategizing, goal setting and achieving, all good qualities to have. But we have focused on them so much that it is now almost detrimental to growth. Being able to balance these qualities with more feminine qualities...

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Like all of you I am feeling a bit nostalgic this time of year. A bit more than normal…..why is that? Is it just because of our programming - every commercial, billboard, radio ad focuses on the holiday season - or is there something else? If we look to astrology,...

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Wounds……why do we have so many?

Wounds……why do we have so many?

I have been on a mission this year to alchemize my deeper wounds…..the ones that literally stop me in my evolution. It has not been easy or fun, but it has been very transformative. If you have known me for very long you know that my sole purpose here is to help...

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11/11 Portal and its meaning

11/11 Portal and its meaning

On November 8 we experienced a full moon lunar eclipse, the second in this season of eclipses. As you know I love eclipses because of their power to make us shift either consciously or unconsciously. There is always so much hype about the 11/11 Portal. Let’s explore....

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Relief is here!

Relief is here!

I hear you! I can empathize with your wounds……God knows I brought enough of them with me this lifetime. It’s been a lifetime of healing. My Soul Purpose is to help you heal your wounds.  I am asked so often, “why can’t I connect to my intuition?” or “What stops me...

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The Atrocities of Humanity

The Atrocities of Humanity

For the entire existence of human life on earth, humans have created chaos and atrocities. I know this sounds very doom and gloom but stay with me. The atrocities that have been embedded into the human psyche over the eons have been strong, it was very clear as spirit...

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There is a Cazimi happening

There is a Cazimi happening

On October 22nd, a Venus Cazimi takes place at 2:17 pm PT. What is a Venus Cazimi? It's the most auspicious day for love, beauty and pleasure. Venus will be purified by the Sun on this day and it is known to gift you fresh insights, opportunities and possibilities....

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Disappointing and expansive at the same time

Disappointing and expansive at the same time

As you know I have returned from France. I went on a Black Madonna and Mary Magdalene tour with the most beautiful woman whose family has served the Magdalene lineage since she walked the earth. I had such hope that this would be a very transformational experience but...

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Creation is changing the Narrative!

Creation is changing the Narrative!

As a human race we have a tendency to only see one way. Usually this vision comes from our past experience (old patterns, programming, cycles). In order for the beginning stages of creation to happen you have to change these narratives (also known as beliefs) you...

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