Seriously, this again!

Seriously, this again!


I have to admit it has been a struggle for me to get back into any type of routine since my visit to Peru. Although it has been four weeks, I feel like it has been an eternity and wonder what I have been doing since then.

Upon my return, I vowed to carry the amazing high vibration of love, joy and bliss energy I experienced in Peru. I knew at some level of my existence this high vibration was possible, but I had not experienced until my trip.

A few days later I was talking with a client and I noticed I had willing gave my high vibrational love energy away. I thought to myself there it goes, I was confident I could regain the vibration at will.

Disappointingly, since that moment in time I have been basking in the 3-D energy of separation, I have been disconnected with the high vibration. I consider myself to be fairly conscious and I thought to myself, seriously, do I have to do this again?  It has taken me a few weeks to sort out what has been happening, but here it is.

My thinking patterns had returned to third dimensional thinking which showed up as “lack of” thinking. I lacked the close connection with the people I so enjoyed in Peru. I found myself missing the energy, the people and the place, all of which kept me in third dimension.  I found myself thinking, if only I could live in Peru where the energy of lay lines are so high you can actually see them with your third eye, then I would be happy. I found my emotions crawling into these thoughts and how my feelings took on the thinking. I found myself feeling exhausted and crying constantly, thinking I wasn’t enough to human kind. I had a lack of purpose and I found myself regurgitating the thoughts over and over.

I knew something was wrong and consciously dove back into the separation to understand why. In my last blog I talked about all the past lives where I lived in separation, trying to understand it’s every move. Here I go again, I heard from my soul.

What I learned is this: when I choose to move into separation of who I know I am, it is my thinking patterns that change. And even though I was in the midst of the energy, I knew something was not right, I felt trapped within my own psyche. I knew consciously, at some level, that I was going into the energy of lack, which is exactly what third dimensional/separation/unconscious energy is.

I also learned just how multi-dimensional we really are as human beings as we choose which energy to flow with and which energy is teaching us something. Looking back it was another beautiful experience and another gentle reminder from Peru.

When I move into third dimensional energy it is my thinking patterns that change, falling into the lack paradigm. When I choose to move out of that energy, again my thinking changes. I know I cannot trust my thoughts as they are always related to past memories or experiences and it is present moment time which creates our reality. I tried to move myself into present moment time knowing this would bring me out of the lessons or experience of separation from myself, but the energy would not have it. My experience had not been learned and my soul was not about to allow me to experience joy until I understood and found the wisdom. Even though I knew I was experiencing something, I choose not to look at what I was to experience, instead I choose to be miserable in my own thoughts and emotions.

I have been asking for full consciousness and what this experience taught me, which may be important to you is this: Pay attention to which dimension you are creating in. If you are in a lack paradigm ask yourself, what is this experience about? How can I move through this more rapidly and what do I need to understand, feel or bring remembrance to the surface to move forward? Learn about who you are at a level beyond your current wisdom, dive deep into the experience without judgment, lack of thinking or fear of the unknown.

Much new information has come from my diving deep, backing is all dimensions and moving further into who I am and what is to come. If you are experiencing pain and suffering, please reach out, you can find me at

The Magic of Peru

The Magic of Peru


Ah Peru…….

I have been asking my soul to bring into my consciousness full remembrance of wisdom and Peru certainly delivered!

Peru is one of the most beautiful, natural and magical places on earth.  As my journey began, I remembered so many lifetimes where only pure love existed, a type of love that created a feeling of ecstasy and so much joy.  A richness and depth of genuine care, I felt I had left this earth and traveled in time to another dimension.  A love where only bliss lived, no worries or anxiety.  A time where separation did not exist.  I was excited to remember love so pure, something I believed for many years only existed in fairytales, dreams or for the pure romantics, yet I sensed it could exist and I found it in Peru in my memory banks of wisdom.  This created a comfort in me that I knew was and still is possible in our world today.

As we traveled through the country, every new place, city or stop by the edge of the road was filled with memories.  The beginning of the trip allowed for the rush of pure love, where ancient societies cared for each other in ways beyond my current reality of the human expression of care.  Ways that seemed magical as in that time and space, separation did not exist.  I remembered the intense emotion of love where every cell in my body was filled with passion, again thinking this depth of love only existed in fairy tales or magic; an emotion so romantic, I once believed only existed in some outer galaxy.   Yet, I remembered it existed here on earth, it created a sense of such deep peace within me, a depth I had not experienced before.

As we continued our travel, devastation appeared and swept me from the grasp of love into disbelief, overwhelm and hurt.  As I witnessed through remembrance, the time and place where separation entered like a plague, dividing and creating chaos.  I remembered the first unconscious killing of another human and how I felt so alone, angry and betrayed.  This memory left me with such overwhelm as I could not believe or understand why anyone would choose something other than bliss.  I felt such deep, deep hurt, I was beyond devastated, I was heartbroken!

From my heartbreak, I dove into separation, understanding it’s every action, every thought process, every emotion that it created within the human.  Lifetime after lifetime I came back diving deeper and deeper into how separation creates doubt, worthlessness, hopelessness and destruction.  How, with one tiny vibration of it’s energy, our own love can turn into something vile, and we use our thoughts and emotions not only against others, but against ourselves.  My quest was to know separation at the depths that I knew love, and this lifetime is remembering it all so I can help and serve humanity as we are in the midst of the shift of our consciousness to return to the depths of pure conscious love.

The lessons or experiences of separation has lead me back to this point in time and space of remembering pure love.  This pure conscious love is what Peru has so kindly reminded me to move back to, how to remember the vibration of pure joy, a feeling beyond separation, beyond the devastation of doubt.  A state of pure love so full of emotional bliss, that it creates magic everywhere!

How do we bring this feeling of ecstasy into everyday living was my next quest as we spent many days in the tranquility of the jungle, integrating what we experienced within us.  I wanted to know how to bring this ecstatic love energy to you.  As our fearless leader of our group expressed over and over, we bring this blissful energy of love into everyday living by paying attention, being very present and experiencing how we feel!  Pay attention to how you are, the words you use to describe how you are feeling, the words you use to understand your emotions and thoughts.  Pay attention to the details, as the details create and grow your reality.  Create something magical everyday that reminds you of the love you are, maybe it’s a note you post to your mirror so you see it everyday.  Or maybe it’s a kind gesture you do for someone else.  Or maybe it’s the way you lean into your partner to say, “I love you” as you send the vibration of unconditional love.  Or maybe it’s the way you dance, to free your spirit and allow your inner God or Goddess to come out and play.  Maybe you walk in the rain and remember how you used to splash in the mud puddles as a child.  Just do something that allows the remembering of your love, your essence!

I know I have spoken on this subject before, but Peru has reminded me of how magical pure love is and it is my quest to move this magic within you, to a new level.  We have to bring pure love into our everyday living, we no longer have excuses, as the intent of the shift we are experiencing is creating the new earth and this depth of pure conscious love.    We are the new earth, you and I and it is our responsibility to create this kind of magic that we are!  Empower yourself and the people in your life to love without conditions and intolerance, be very clear about your essence as this is your purpose.  How do we practice pure love?  By practicing tolerance, detachment from materialism and being unconditional love. We are human and we will fall away from our essence, yet this is not a reason to be hard on ourselves.  Simply and gently remind yourself of your love!

Create romance in every relationship, speak your truth with passion, allow your emotions to be seen.  When we are seen, we are no longer lonely!

Angela Blaha

What is lack mentality?  continued

What is lack mentality? continued


Let’s continue our discussion of Lack Mentality. When I dig even deeper, I notice a sort of diversion happening within me, almost like I want to back up and not move forward. I ask what else can money offer? I hear luxury, however, I do not see luxury, instead I see blank space. I wonder what it is that I need to release or expand into, to see luxury. I ask myself, what will it take to receive luxury – I hear a wide awakening!


I consider myself a fairly wide-open person! I ask, what is a wide awakening? I hear, a complete revamp of the system, a break down of beliefs. You have old thoughts and beliefs that you are not worthy of luxury. Now, this annoys me, yet I know it is true. I wanted to believe those old beliefs were released and taken care of years ago.

I ask, what do I need to do to release the remaining beliefs. I hear, go within! The usual comment!

So, I go within and I notice and see the old belief stemming from childhood where we were very poor and the belief said, “we were not worthy of luxury”.

I turn further inward and say I am not that young person anymore, so my belief should not remain in that state of being. I am very capable of manifesting everything and I am older now. If I want enough money to have a luxurious life, then I shall have it. I felt like I was demanding the belief to release me from its ugly claw.

The acknowledgment of knowing this belief was created when I was a little girl was enough to break down the belief. Sometimes we need a complete retraining of the mind, so I have created an affirmation to match the new belief and will state it until the mind does not know anything except the new belief.

Most lack beliefs were created when we were young and it is time release your lack beliefs to the time and space it occurred in. You are now in a different time and space and you should be creating new beliefs as you progress through time and space.

The further I dove into the belief the easier it was to dispel the belief and any power it held over me. I could understand that the lack of money/luxury was not my belief. It was a belief my parents had and I released that belief to that time and space, as I no longer have that belief. Beliefs are easy to change; you simply have to have the courage to dive into them and then to change them to match your current situation.

What is lack mentality?  continued

What is lack mentality?


Over the past few days I have been asking myself what really is lack mentality?

Do I possess lack mentality or beliefs, if so, where and what do I have lack about?

Webster’s online dictionary states that lack means: a state of being without or not having enough of something.

“A state of being”…….ouch!

I always understood lack of something meant wanting or needing something I did not have, but a state of being…..puts an entirely different spin on it. I really had not thought or felt into lack mentality as a state of being.

For me, a state of being means, ‘I am’ whatever I lack. “A state of being” moves into a belief, a dominant or core belief which extends into present day. So, if I lack money, my new definition means that I am a lack of money. Which puts me in a totally different vibrational alignment of what I try to achieve around money. Money is a simple example for a “lack of belief”, as everyone, at one time or another can resonate with the concept.

This means, if I want to change my ability to receive money, I have to change my thoughts, emotions, actions, and I have to change my state of being. For me, this means and entire overhaul of the belief pattern around the entire subject, starting where the belief began.

Now, I understand that money is simply energy, just as I am energy and as energy we exchange all the time. So as energy, I know I have the ability to change belief, thoughts, emotions, actions, etc at will. This is a core belief, so to change this belief around lack of money, should be fairly simple.

As an energy being, I feel into money and how we exchange energy. What does it offer me? It offers an exchange, which providing safety in the form of a house, electricity, my entire fundamental needs are met with this exchange. And I am in full receiving mode of this kind of exchange. As I dig a little deeper I ask what else does it offer? It offers a valuable exchange for services and goods I want and need to purchase, again I am in full receptive mode for these items. At the same time, I create a sense of gratefulness I have what I need to feel safe in this world.


Are you Transparent?

Are you Transparent?

The other day I was told to be more transparent! What the…….

I thought about this for a couple days asking myself what transparency looks like. Does that mean I have to tell everyone my faults, every little horrible thing about who I am? Then I would ask myself who really cares about that? I would answer my own question with, probably no one. After all I don’t care about peoples faults, all I care about is their strengths and how to help them become more strong.

Transparent…I do not even have a working definition for that word. So I looked it up and this is what the on line simple Meriam-Webster dictionary said.

~ able to be seen through
~ easy to notice or understand
~ honest and open: not secretive

Then I asked myself if this was my working definition of the word and I agreed that it was. So I did not come up with a new definition, I used the above one.

Then, I asked if I was transparent? My answer is yes and no!

I am not secretive; I am always honest and open without harm to others. I repeat what I say in many different forms so that what I say is understood and I feel I am easily seen through, since I am honest. Being transparent does not equal privacy and sometimes I believe we have the two words confused. Am I private? Yes! Do I keep peoples information secret? Yes, because I am very ethical! So, if being ethical and private, honoring peoples privacy is not being transparent, then so be it.  Divulging others information is not something I am willing to disclose, my family included.

I dove deeper into my feeling about being transparent. I feel that there is a difference between being vulnerable and transparent. Being vulnerable, means that you are open to attack! Why would anyone want to do that, after all, everyone is due their opinion. It does not mean I have to be open to their opinion. If I were to do that, I would give into the rules of someone, giving up my power to be who I am.  Being vulnerable would go against every thing I teach.

Being transparent, is not giving up my power to anyone, and I am not open to publically displaying every crazy thought or emotion I have. We all know, that when someone opens themselves up to every dark corner of the mind, there is judgment. Doing this would again, put me in the box of someone else’s rules and giving up of my power.

Because I do not play the same game as someone else, does not mean I am not transparent and I will never be vulnerable. I am, like all of you, human. However, I do play by my own rules, where I practice, no judgment of who I am. If I am practicing true love, the only rule I have is love. To me, love only knows strength and it sees faults as growing wisdom, rather than negatives.

So, be as transparent as you want to and by no means, ever be vulnerable, as being open for attack should never be something to achieve or strive for. Below is what I posted on my facebook page as an attempt to be more transparent – let me know what you think!

I was told the other day to be more transparent! Not sure how to do that or be that, but here it goes.

As most of you know, I remember my star existences. Which means that I call myself a star being as well as a human being. I come to earth when I am called to by God to help and serve in what is deemed to be my truth, this lifetime, my truth and purpose is to activate and help other beings to recognize their own truth and purpose, to help them make sense of their remembering oneness and to help everyone in the “shifting” energy.

I really do not like separating myself by using words that describe or create rules around my being as this promotes separation theory. A theory which has caused much turmoil for the human aspect of who we are, as this theory enjoys the struggle between ego and soul.

We are in the midst of changing energy, many of you know it as “The Shift”, basically what is happening, all of us here on earth are remembering oneness. A way of being that dissolves separation within our thoughts, emotions, patterns and beliefs.

I will be as transparent as I can be without promoting separation between you and I, as everything I do affects you in some way. Just as I am constantly asking you to watch your words and how you describe yourself so not to create more separation within yourself, because it will affect me someway, somehow.

Here is my truth for today – I love each one of you so much that it is indescribable with the words that I can find. Rather than use words, I ask that you feel my love, the love of unity consciousness, which only seeks pure truth. A love so vast and deep, that it may seem overwhelming. Move inward to your energy, this is where you will find my love!

All my love to you!

Are you Transparent?

The fall from Magic!


Are you living a ho-hum life?

Remember when you were a kid and everything in the world seemed so magical. Nothing could happen to you that kept you from feeling and being happy! Your dolls and trucks were so cool that they seemed real and you imagined that they really were.

Remember when you thought creatively, saw imaginary friends (the ones that were real in some other dimension) and every need was met without you even thinking you had a need.

Remember when you ran through the mud puddles and the fresh spring rain would splash all over and you giggled and laughed and thought the world was amazing? Remember when you discovered a worm crawling out of its hole for the first time and you just watched it move, intrigued at how it could move without legs or arms.

Remember when time seemed endless, as if days and nights had no beginning or ends, they just were.   Remember when you experienced your first Christmas and you knew that magic really did exist.

Have you fallen away from the belief that magic is real? Why?

Everyday is magical, when you see beyond the dimension of illusion and into the abyss, there is only magic. Time is disappearing, as we move into 5th dimensional energy, you can stretch it or release it to fit your needs. There are scientific studies on the fact that you can do it, time should feel magical. Time is part of the illusion of third dimensional energy, so play with time. It is only a tool.

Why not you allow yourself to jump into those mud puddles, allowing that playful aspect of you to enjoy life, feeling grateful for every drop of rain and every move you make. Life remains simple and pleasurable, which is where we deserve and need to be. So, be sure to play today.

If you allow your mind to expand, you can see those imaginary friends, they show up as dragons, past loved one, fairies, little green men. They are not there to frighten you or hurt you, rather they are there to expand your natural abilities to live within the fifth dimension and beyond.

When we give gifts to others or spend quality time with those we love, that is truly when magic appears. Learning about someone at the depth of his or her soul is very magical. This being-ness allows them and you to feel safe in knowing and understanding them and yourself, at a level beyond the ego.

If you feel you have fallen from paradise, from the magical aspects of life, do something you used to love to do when you were a child. When we play we express our gratitude for being alive, for being loved and for being love.